History is a pageant and not a philosophy.

The pageant of a former hour, Is Beauty in the Grave.

The truth isn't meant to be pretty, that's for beauty pageants.

History is the great dust-heap... a pageant and not a philosophy.

Winning a beauty pageant and the Miss India title was always a dream.

Being a pageant girl taught me to be polished, poised and slap on a smile.

Habitats keep evolving new pageants of species, and we shouldn't interfere.

I am really happy that Miss World pageant takes keen interest in my projects.

I think pageant girls just have a way of faking it until you make it, almost.

Hosting the Miss America Pageant is a job all TV hosts dream of one day holding.

Music is a beauty pageant. When I go put myself out there, I'm going to compete.

In reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism.

I did one pageant in sixth grade, and I loved it! I loved the dresses and the big hair.

Since I wore a bikini at the Miss India pageant, I have no inhibitions wearing it on screen.

I must be very clear in one thing... Being a pageant girl is not who I am or what defines me.

Coming from a pageant title that celebrates diversity, I've come to appreciate all kinds of beauty.

The Miss America Pageant reinforces a belief that women are merely how they look and how they please.

Back in the day after I won my first pageant there was an agency that was getting me work on the side.

Trump says that if he's elected, he won't let the presidency interfere with the Miss Universe pageant.

When I was in Class XI, I started preparing for medical college, and after that, the Miss India pageant.

It seemed to me that this might be a great pageant, which would give a chance for a very interesting picture.

Pageant makeup is so different from your day-to-day look. When you're on stage you really have to pack it on.

I never thought of becoming an actress, but I always dreamt of winning a beauty pageant, and I achieved that.

My family took me to church when I was like 4 years old, and I had to be in a pageant, and I was playing Jesus.

When I got to be about 16,17 I got into a beauty pageant and I was allowed to start playing around with makeup.

You're filmed that one very special day of the pageant, and you want to make sure you're as ready to go as you can be.

I entered the Miss Nigeria in America pageant - yes, it's a thing that existed. This was when I was getting my masters.

I'm probably not going to shed all the pageant girl, because that's who I am. If you don't like it, that's too damn bad.

Before I won Miss Diva in 2015, I had won the pageant once before in 2012. Back then, it was called Miss Universe India.

When I'm wearing makeup, I choose between doing my eyes or mouth because I don't want to look like a beauty pageant child.

The whole process of winning the pageant has been so amazing, I'm really excited to move forward into all kinds of projects.

I accidentally entered a youth pageant when I was 14. That's like a beauty pageant, but without the beauty. It was terrible.

When you become a pageant winner, you become a known face. So, winning a pageant helps us in making inroads into the industry.

I am so not a pageant girl, but I signed up for the Miss Junior Florida contest because I thought it would be good experience.

When I first came to India from Sri Lanka, people were surprised to see my toned arms. I had come right after the Miss Universe pageant.

I do an international beauty pageant called Queen of the Universe for UNESCO, and what we do is we build kindergartens around the world.

The day of the sun is like the day of a king. It is a promenade in the morning, a sitting on the throne at noon, a pageant in the evening.

People told me that I was the best-looking girl in my college. But it was only after I won a beauty pageant in 2002 that I became confident.

I'm only wanted by directors for the image I give off, and it makes me angry. I always wanted to be an actor and not a beauty pageant winner.

In Trump's mind, women derive their primary value from how they look, which is probably why he owned a major beauty pageant for so many years.

That year I went to Miss America, that was the first year I had competed in an adult pageant, if you could call it that. So it was zero to 60.

At the age of 18, I had participated in a beauty pageant. I represented India and won the title. That was my last competition. First and last.

I won Miss Teen World, and then a movie rep saw me on the pageant website and thought that I had the perfect image for the role in 'Madrasapattinam.'

I was always focused on my studies and wanted to be a doctor, but like every girl, I would also dream to be at a beauty pageant at least once in life.

Just about every town in Texas has a beauty pageant. Ours was called The Dogwood Fiesta. I was in one of those. I played the guitar and sang - and lost.

I'm so glad I never lost my drive because turns out, I was right! Now I'm finally wearing the Philippine sash in the most prestigious pageant in the world.

One thing led to another and I was selected from Hyderabad for the Miss India pageant. I remember my mother being really surprised that I wanted to take part!

Miss Earth, to me, means a lot more than an international beauty pageant. It implies a larger than life celebration of spirit, beauty, passion, and betterment.

I know that I've got big ears and a big forehead and that my hair sticks up. But I'm happy with myself. I'm not necessarily trying to win a beauty pageant here.

I wouldn't say there are alliances at the pageant, but I understand if you can't speak the language, you would want to hang out with someone who understands you.

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