It's a conflict of parallels.

Nature works in parallel ways.

None but himself can be his parallel.

Extracurricular Parallel to none I am perpendicular

I actually find a lot of parallels in jazz and cartooning.

I see a lot of parallels between my father and Donald Trump.

There are just so many parallels between sport and business.

I've always thought that parallel parking was my main talent.

Sensitivity and money are like parallel lines. They don't meet.

There are a lot of parallels to the 'Sparkle' story and my story.

I never realized until recently how much my life parallels Peter Pan.

Find me a first novel that doesn't have parallels with the author's life.

Probably in a parallel universe not far from here, I'm working for Nintendo.

This hypothesis (Parallel hypothesis) would not destroy itself at all easily.

In terms of the parallels, I've never related less to a character than Riggan.

The rise of the ecologist almost exactly parallels the decline of the naturalist.

Sports are trivial compared to matters of war and peace, but some parallels apply.

I came up with a parallel Venice called Venus. set in a parallel Venice about 1701.

What if, instead of a parallel universe, there's a perpendicular universe? Discuss.

I'm not deaf and the Commission isn't operating in a parallel world of legal texts.

Sequential programming is really hard, and parallel programming is a step beyond that.

The self-sacrificing, servant aspect of the Christian life has many parallels to parenthood.

A lot of people think Oprah is channeling for Madam Walker, and there are lots of parallels.

Doing a scene truthfully is very similar to doing a song truthfully. They're really parallel.

Boxing is a lot of preparation and then improvising, so there are parallels to being an actor.

It was like there was some parallel universe we all vanished off to where we had all this sex.

We've had parallel lives. And frankly, I prefer mine to his. I would not like to be George Bush.

My family, my background... it just parallels really nicely with a lot of social and cultural movements.

One of the sharp parallels is that neither Vietnam nor Iraq was the slightest threat to America's national security.

'As I am, so are these. As are these, so am I.' Drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor get others to kill.

I think the reason vampire movies have been so popular over time is that they share so many parallels with human beings.

Google went in a consumer direction, and VMware was system infrastructure. But there are a lot of parallels and similarities.

'The Passing Bells' highlights the horror of the fighting from both sides and draws parallels between these two young boys' lives.

The thing that's interesting about Trump is that when you read 'Coriolanus,' you'd be tempted to draw parallels. But I don't do that.

I think the parallels of a giant power with overwhelming military superiority and might, with America and Rome, it seems obvious to me.

There are some parallels between 'Zombieland' and 'Range 15,' except 'Zombieland,' with Woody Harrelson, there's this pleasurable fun in every scene.

When black Britons draw parallels between their experiences and those of African Americans, they are not suggesting that those experiences are identical.

Comic-book movies are mythology, in a way, and there are a lot more parallels in them with what's going on in the real world than people want to discuss.

I like the look of all-rounder Ben Stokes. I usually have no interest in comparing new players with myself, but there are some interesting parallels here.

They're so effusive with their love... theatre fans. I'm a big comic book fan and there's a lot of parallels with them that they're just dedicated and loyal.

There's actually an incredible amount of parallels between working in central Congo in a remote, isolated village and doing research aboard the space station.

There are parallels between the music and film worlds, but they're really very different. I feel like they're just two different ways to channel my creativity.

You jot down ideas, memories, whatever, concerning your real life that somehow parallels the character you're playing, and you incorporate that in your scene work.

The memory of the Second World War hangs over Europe, an inescapable and irresistible point of reference. Historical parallels are usually misleading and dangerous.

I think that the audience is smart enough to know that just because a drama is relating to real-world parallels, it doesn't mean that its story is exactly that story.

It is the maintenance of slavery by law in a state, not parallels of latitude, that makes its a southern state; and the absence of this, that makes it a northern state.

Parallels between classical and pop are not new. The whole San Francisco movement of John Cage and Terry Riley went hand in glove with what the Velvet Underground were doing.

If you're a starting pitcher, the ball's in your hands and all eyes are you. And when you're kicking, either you missed it or you made it. So there's a lot of parallels in that.

When I think about parallels between myself and an Olympian, I believe that success in the world of business is underpinned by very similar principles of perseverance and hard work.

The parallels between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are striking. In each instance there were warning signs before the attack, and in each instance our government failed to connect the dots.

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