Partying is such sweet sorrow.

I love partying with my friends.

I was never really into partying.

I love going out. I love partying.

I love partying and I love laughing.

I don't have one song about partying.

Partying? I don't really think about that.

In my life, there's been a lot of partying.

Why is partying and having a good time bad?

Sure, I've done enough partying for 10 guys.

Partying isn't every aspect to my personality.

You don't go to a school and major in partying.

I love hanging out with my friends and partying.

I did all my heavy partying before I turned sixteen.

I live for watching TV and partying with my book club.

Andrew W.K. is about partying and doing what you want!

Mardi Gras, the drinking, the partying - that scared me.

From a young age, I was never into going out and partying.

Not being dead is my version of partying. So far, so good.

We're not partying out on the road, but we still have fun.

One thing that people in Miami seem to be good at is partying.

Some players like to go out partying, but I like the quiet life.

Los Angeles is great for partying and also for its sights and sounds.

It's kind of stupid that people think I'm just partying all the time.

I don't really go out partying, but I'm definitely a social butterfly.

Partying isn't as important to me anymore like it was when I was younger.

I'm never out of shape, never out to hurt my body by drinking or partying.

In Miami, there's a buzz there, everyone out there's partying - it's crazy.

From 18 to 22, I was alone, living in L.A. with a bunch of friends, partying.

It's a crazy industry. I'm not into the partying, I'm a pretty healthy person.

I've got a lot of songs about having fun and partying, but it's a lot of work.

I never envy the guys who get attention for partying too much or behaving badly.

For about two years, I was a little wild. I was out partying, having adventures.

Most of my freshman year at USC, I'd just been partying, and I had zero direction.

I'm quite a nurturing person, and I'm more a mom than a crazy, partying rock star.

Glenn Beck is Rush redux - Limbaugh with liposuction, partying like it's still 1993.

You gotta have life your way. If you ain't losing your mind, you ain't partying right.

I got myself into trouble. I was drinking and partying a lot and it caught up with me.

Being a part-time pop star was perfect, really, when I wasn't worn out by the partying.

I go out partying to figure out exactly who I'm making music for. You can't just guess.

Our partying was governed by licensing hours. When the pub or club shut, that would be it.

There's always some amount of gradual, slow burning destruction over the course of partying.

When you're on a boat, you're going to little islands and stuff. It's not a partying kind of thing.

It used to take a day to get over the partying. But I don't party anymore. I don't miss it, either.

Music that speaks of politics is less listened to than the music of partying, but it's still there.

Drinking and partying never appealed to me in lyrics - they don't have a lot of meaning behind them.

I've done a lot of partying in my time because I didn't want to go home and I didn't know what to do.

Dancing - that's really what I do at parties. I dance and I hang out with friends. That's my partying.

It's not that I will die, but if I stop partying, it will lead to extreme complications in my wellbeing.

I think he's Will 's partying a lot in Cabo. I think he's running a brothel. I don't know what he's doing.

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