I`m like a peanut butter sandwich.

My sweat smells like peanut-butter.

Peanut butter is pâté for children.

Without peanut butter, I might starve.

I had peanut butter once. It was awful.

Peanut butter is the pate of childhood.

I'm more of a smooth peanut butter kinda girl

I don't like peanut butter and jelly that much.

I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I cannot walk past Peanut Butter M&Ms and Oreos.

You can always trust a dog that likes peanut butter.

Work without fun is like peanut butter without jelly.

I'd take my clothes off for chocolate and peanut butter.

I eat a lot of peanut butter and drink a lot of whole milk.

Peanut butter is the greatest invention since Christianity.

I could go for a sandwich, but I’m not gonna open two jars.

Man cannot live by bread alone; he must have peanut butter.

The best thing I can make is a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.

If I'm snacking, I'll go for peanut butter and jelly in between meals.

I've been craving peanut butter-and-mayonnaise fried cheese sandwiches.

Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.

I have no idea why a guy would bring a jar of peanut butter to a concert.

Rice cakes and peanut butter is my favorite snack in the whole wide world.

I have a lot of tea in the morning. I always have toast and peanut butter.

Peanut Butter Wolf is my relaxing music, my lunch music, my chilling music.

I've always wanted to like, swim in a swimming pool filled with peanut butter

If you can't control your peanut butter, you can't expect to control your life.

It's like peanut butter and chocolate. Each is great, but they're better together.

I've never slept with a virgin, but I love breaking the seal on a new peanut butter.

Yes,' he said sincerely. 'Such a one deserves peanut butter on the seat of his pants.

Werewolves and Arabians. It's like chocolate and peanut butter - a delicious combination.

God spreads grace like a 4-year old spreads peanut butter-He gets it all over everything.

Do you want to make a tamale with peanut butter and jelly? Go Ahead! Somebody will eat it.

You can spread jelly on the peanut butter but you can't spread peanut butter on the jelly.

There's nothing like unrequited love to take all the flavor out of a peanut butter sandwich.

When I'm in the mood for room service, my favorite order is a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich.

Usually, about 2 hours before a game, I stuff in a nice peanut butter and jelly with chocolate milk.

I'm going to live until I die, and everything in between is just another excuse to eat peanut butter.

The first sip of beer on a hot day is like that first finger-dip when you open a new jar of peanut butter.

I recently bought extreme chunky peanut butter. I opened it up.. .it was just peanuts. Wow that is extreme!

Q: What's the difference between a tweaker and an elephant? A: The elephant will eat all your peanut butter.

There's nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex.

When I was 16, I discovered jazzercise. And I thought it was the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly.

If you don't mind smelling like peanut butter for two or three days, peanut butter is darn good shaving cream.

All food starting with p is comfort food: pasta, potato chips, pretzels, peanut butter, pastrami, Pizza, pastry.

Many of the world's greatest discoveries have been by accident. I mean, look at the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, or Botox.

I always start the day with a protein shake: protein powder mixed with water, peanut butter, and yoghurt to thicken it up.

I'm going to take this God-given gift of being funny, and I'm going to spread it out like peanut butter on everything I do.

I don't want to be known as this goody-two-shoes who can only do comedies where puppies are licking peanut butter off my face.

I love dark chocolate. I'm also a peanut butter and chocolate fanatic. That's pretty much the greatest invention of the last century.

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