I'm a peculiar type.

Love is a peculiar thing.

I'm very peculiar looking.

Actors are a peculiar breed.

Courage is a peculiar kind of fear.

I live and love in God's peculiar light.

Nico was peculiar. She was extraordinary.

You don't have to be peculiar to find God.

I'm a private victim of a peculiar household.

I enjoy doing complicated or peculiar people.

God is gracious to some very peculiar people.

It is peculiar to mankind to transcend mankind.

Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition.

Brits have a peculiar sense of humour. I love it.

Gifts come from above in their own peculiar forms.

Some people have a peculiar faculty for denying facts.

It's peculiar what you remember when you're not trying.

There is a peculiar pathos in the extinction of a nation.

What's his offense? Groping for trout in a peculiar river.

It is man's peculiar duty to love even those who wrong him.

The peculiar danger of executive power is that it executes.

Everything is ultimately peculiar and ultimately ridiculous.

One's life is peculiar to one's own when one has invented it.

Hollywood is a peculiar beast - people in Hollywood are nuts.

If someone wrote it and it had a peculiar twist, I've read it.

Blushing is the most peculiar and most human of all expressions.

John Brown's effort was peculiar. It was not a slave insurrection.

Fidelity - a virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed.

I thought it was something peculiar to me. I thought I was abnormal.

Luck has a peculiar habit of favoring those who do not depend on it.

Of all the sexual aberrations, perhaps the most peculiar is chastity.

Truth is more peculiar than fiction. Life is really a startling place.

I'm the guy on the corner that is slightly peculiar but fun and funky.

The idea of being a single woman in Hollywood is a very peculiar thing.

I think, as you get older, that's when your ambitions become "peculiar".

Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will.

Plainness has its peculiar temptations and vices quite as much as beauty.

On some peculiar pigmented cells found in two mosquitoes fed on malarial.

I love physics because it's neat and it's orderly in its own peculiar way.

No tree in all the grove but has its charms, Though each its hue peculiar.

Humans were peculiar. They were by turns squeamish and appallingly violent.

Fix'd like a plant on his peculiar spot, To draw nutrition, propagate and rot.

Heaven gave to woman the peculiar grace To spin, to weep, and cully human race.

Now peculiar scraps of knowledge were stuck to him like lint from all his jobs.

For my peculiar face, I look best when I look as though I'm not wearing make-up.

A person's taste is as much his own peculiar concern as his opinion or his purse.

The peculiar dignity of men seen eating alone in restaurants on national holidays

People who are different from other people are always called peculiar,' said Anne.

The good must merit God's peculiar care; But who but God can tell us who they are?

We cling to our fairy tales until the price for believing in them becomes too high.

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