A soul occupied with great ideas performs small duties.

I have a good eye for talent, and my talent performs the best.

A soul preoccupied with great ideas best performs small duties.

My mother is a singer, still performs today; she's a jazz singer.

When I'm up against a wall, that's when Billy Mays performs best.

So the animal finally performs in that situation only the fitting act.

The king of branding, Mr. Trump performs best when he is on the defense.

In the one-dayers, it boils down to who performs better on the day of the match.

When one performs well, the others are automatically motivated to give their best.

In spiritual things, it is God who performs all things for you. Rest in Him, then.

No president who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure.

I am an artist. An actor performs, whether it's in front of the camera or a live audience.

Being involved in sports, you think less about how your body looks and more how it performs.

When any artist performs for students, it automatically means they are getting a young crowd.

Fashion is treated too much as news rather than what it is, what it does and how it performs.

There's a truth that comes through when an author performs his own work that is unique and special.

Mbappe always performs whether that's in Ligue 1, Champions League or with the France national team.

I want to last in my career, and that relies on the way my body performs. So I need to take care of it.

Hunger is almost like something the West does. It's almost like the direct result of the way the West performs.

If the player performs well and helps us to achieve our goals, nobody will speak about the price of the player.

I'm active on social media because that's such a big reason why K-pop and Korean music performs the way it does.

One performs a very different act when reading a movie and when reading a novel. Your attention behaves differently.

I'm really excited about Jordan Spieth. Like a great in any sport, when the moment is the biggest, he performs his best.

In football, whatever can happen can happen when the team performs well and sometimes when the team does not perform as well.

The one function that TV news performs very well is that when there is no news we give it to you with the same emphasis as if it were.

Just because a product says 'As Seen on TV' and looks like my product doesn't mean it performs like my product or will sell like my product.

In the practical world of computing, it is rather uncommon that a program, once it performs correctly and satisfactorily, remains unchanged forever.

There are a lot of players that want to go to the World Cup, so you have to be the player that goes out and performs and shows how much you want to go.

Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

I think that first-person narration is very characteristic of contemporary optics, in which the individual performs the role of subjective center of the world.

Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling, where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in the election.

The engineer performs many public functions from which he gets only philosophical satisfactions. Most people do not know it, but he is an economic and social force.

'Bloodlight and Bami' delivers. Ms. Jones shucks her own oysters - stressfully. She does her own make up and performs her own vexed yet amusing contract negotiations.

Constantly risking absurdity and death whenever he performs above the heads of his audience, the poet, like an acrobat, climbs on rhyme to a high wire of his own making.

No matter how many people you kill, using a machine gun in battle is not a war crime because it does not cause unnecessary suffering; it simply performs its job horrifyingly well.

As a person who performs on stage, it's good to be emotionally open. If you mess with someone when they are in that state, it's like you're messing with an animal when it's eating.

It's for 'Haasil' that finally I got to do a lot of water surfing. Kabir Raichand, my character performs surfing and to do it accurately, I had undergone a crash course in Mauritius.

Neuroplasticity research showed that the brain changes its very structure with each different activity it performs, perfecting its circuits so it is better suited to the task at hand.

A designated patient 'carries' the group's dysfunction. A designated issue performs the same service for an individual, dominating our psyches so that other troubles can go unnoticed.

The challenge is when you're offered similar roles, and you have to play them differently. I don't want people to say, 'She performs similarly in every film. There is no versatility.'

Being married to Andy has given me a new appreciation for my body. He's taught me that it's not how thin you are that matters. It's how your body performs, how it endures wear and tear.

Tactics, gameplan and players are all influential in how a team performs but the question is how to manage every individual in your charge and get them to play like a finely tuned orchestra.

No: war material is life-saving for one's own people and whoever works and performs in these spheres can be proud of it; here enterprise as a whole finds its highest justification of existence.

Even though I've been making electronic music since I was 14, it's hard for people to see you as a producer with a musical identity when you're contextualized in a band that performs on a stage.

I love the power of the musician who composes and performs. I envy their ability to put a nugget of truth in three minutes of sweat and emotional outpouring, colored entirely from their thoughts.

What I believe is to keep working. How a film performs at the box office is not in my control: what is in my control is my work, how much honesty I can bring on-screen. I am happy people love me.

People tend to judge presidents on how the economy performs, and yet we don't expect them to have the power to do much about it. Or we don't want them to exercise that power, if they were to have it.

Liberal radio performs poorly because its format already dominates other markets. And it will continue to perform poorly until the day comes when the rest of the media is at least balanced, if not fair.

No enterprise can exist for itself alone. It ministers to some great need, it performs some great service, not for itself, but for others; or failing therein, it ceases to be profitable and ceases to exist.

Less is more' may be a cliche, but that doesn't mean musicians often heed that advice. Swedish singer-songwriter Kristian Matsson, who performs and records as The Tallest Man on Earth, follows it religiously.

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