Philippine education is in crisis

The Philippines is where the love is.

Modeling is more fun in the Philippines

Journey are very big in the Philippines.

I know everyone in the Philippines is happy.

We practically own everything in the Philippines.

Dulce is one of the Philippines' natural treasures.

I have traveled to three-fourths of the Philippines.

I run Rappler, an online news site in the Philippines.

Apl is very humble, but he's humongous in the Philippines.

The people in the Philippines are so extraordinarily nice.

Most of leaders in Philippine politics come from rich family.

I went to Philippines and I literally had the time of my life.

I feel like I have adopted the Philippines as my second country.

The Philippines is for the Philippines. We can defend ourselves.

I spent two and a half years in the Philippines in World War II.

I'm from the Philippines and I moved to this country when I was 16.

The Philippines has no policy that demands sacrifice of human lives.

I wouldn't be the same Pia if I won Miss Philippines on my first try.

I think that Manila is underrated in terms of food in the Philippines.

The Philippines, it might be said, is a country in search of an identity.

The Philippines bear witness to the youthfulness and vitality of the Church.

I want the people of the Philippines to be happy, even if they have nothing.

There is only one government in the Philippines and that is how it will stay.

It doesn't matter whether you're guilty or not in Rodrigo Duterte's Philippines.

The relevance of beauty pageants in the Philippines is that it gives people hope.

Growing up for me in the Philippines was hard to read comic books because I'm blind.

I may now carry the sash of Miss Universe, but I'll forever be your Miss Philippines.

I was doing TV work, theatre work, and some film work in the Philippines when I left.

The Philippines is unfortunately not a football country - basketball is more popular.

Coming from the Philippines to the U.S. did shape me in that it gave me perseverance.

Please pray with me for everyone in Sri Lanka and the Philippines as I begin my trip.

Arab-led Islamic fundamentalism destabilizes nations from Algeria to the Philippines.

I swear to God I was freaked out about the Aswang when I was a kid in the Philippines.

I lived in grass huts in a jungle in the Philippines for three weeks with tribal people.

I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil.

It is ironic that many Filipinos learn to love the Philippines while abroad, not at home.

I'm fascinated by the Philippines because I'm from here. I was born here. I'm a Filipino.

I'll continue doing what I do, whether in the Philippines, here in the U.S., or elsewhere.

In the Philippines, the host should always be willing to defer to the wishes of the guest.

When I was growing up in the Philippines, the story that was read to me most was Pinocchio.

We need the children of Indonesia and the Philippines to manufacture our freedom of choice.

Asia has a great future; we here in the Philippines will benefit from this Asian prosperity.

The United States is a key ally, a strategic partner, and a reliable friend of the Philippines.

After living a decade in Jakarta, I chose. I chose Manila, the Philippines, for better or worse.

I didn't think the real Neal Schon would call a guy like me. I'm just a guy from the Philippines.

The Philippines is where Asia wears a smile. Beautiful products can only be made by happy people.

There is so much more to the Philippines than just Manila. The beauty is in the neighboring islands.

'Honor in the Dust' is less about the freedom of the Philippines than the soul of the United States.

I love my homeland, but it's an absurd country. Politics in the Philippines is like spectator sports!

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