I always support Philly.

Philly gives me that raw edge. We just do us.

I want to be in Philly for the rest of my life.

I really value my days down there in ECW in Philly.

There was never any animosity from the Philly fans.

My toughness comes from just being from Philly, man.

Philly will be the place for me for my whole career.

I don't like Philly. I don't care at all about Philly.

It seems like there's a real world for new ideas in Philly.

John Kerry couldn't even order a Philly cheesesteak properly.

The reason I became a better player was because I came to Philly.

The Celtics were always going to pick me No. 1, but Philly didn't know that.

I think Philly is arguably the best sports town - football town - in America.

Philly fans are more emotional, but the Buffalo fans are a bigger crowd I think.

I grew up in a very old-fashioned Roman Catholic, Italian-Irish family in Philly.

In a lot of places Jay-Z is considered God, Philly, our hometown being one of them.

Philly is a place where people love change as long as things stay the same for them.

I got love for my Philly people. Those fans are about as crazy as you'll find anywhere.

I'm happy for Tevin Farmer, I'm happy for everybody from Philly who's doing their thing.

I'm not from Philly - I'm from South Jersey, but we still consider that the Philly area.

I get my swag from Philly. I get my hustle from Philly. I get my work ethic from Philly.

I feel like a lot of performers' worst shows happened in Philly. There's something about that town.

That's what Flyers fans are all about. My favorite thing about Philly fans is booing their own team.

I didn't get a lot of awards as a player. But they did have a Bob Uecker Day Off for me once in Philly.

Howard University - HoChi - they make the best Philly cheesesteak I've ever had - way better than Philly.

Lil Uzi and I gave Philly different sounds by stepping outside of the box and not sticking to the stigma.

My biggest moments have been in Philly - I met Jay-Z and Beyonce in Philly, I did the Powerhouse in Philly.

Philly guys have a different toughness from anybody you've probably ever met. That's what I hang my hat on.

Philly DJs sort of always won battles and always won awards and stuff like that and were always super sharp.

If you from Philly, you ain't a Villanova guy. Villanova is the suburbs. That's all you know about Villanova.

I love Philly so much. I know that at any time, any place, a fight can break out. Those are great comedy fans.

Believe me, although I really like the show, the reality of Philly Homicide is nothing like CBS's 'Cold Case.'

I made the mistake of going to a barber who was not from Philly, and let's just say, I would never do that again.

I'm an Atlanta guy. I think Philly knows that. But I've adopted Philly as my second home, and they've embraced me.

I grew up - obviously I'm from Philly, where Kobe is from, so we grew up idolizing Kobe. He meant everything to us.

Wrestling fans are usually pretty passionate, but Philly is one of the cities that takes that to a different level.

I have nothing but love for the Philly fans, even the ones who were highly criticizing me or opinionated in any way.

Philly is more East Coast than Pittsburgh. It's closer to New Jersey and New York, so the vibe is way more fast-paced.

I used to live in Philly, so I was in Baltimore a lot wrestling before I got to WWE, wrestling for different promotions.

Philly is a city made up of many neighborhoods - more than a hundred, in fact - and the citizens can be very territorial.

The ability to work every day was a big part of L.A.'s effect on my process and the band coming out from Philly once a month.

I grew up in West Philly, and I took an acting class at Temple University there. Then, after school, I moved to San Francisco.

You can take the boy out of Philly but not the Philly out of the boy. It shapes my world view. It was a great place to grow up.

I was always running off to the city, whether it was Philly or New York, going somewhere where there was something more for me.

Philly will always have a special place in my heart, and I will cherish the great memories with the city and my teammates there.

Philly has always been one of our favorite towns to play in, and the fans have been very loyal and very supportive over the years.

Once I came along, I started giving more smooth melodies, more songs for the ladies, a new vibe, and Philly wasn't used to all that.

Who would've thought that this little girl in the ghetto in Philly would be playing the first black lesbian superhero on network TV?

Philly gave me my ambition and drive to get more. It's a reminder to stay on top of my game. That's not a place I want to go back to.

Well, I wasn't a big Chick-fil-A fan, I guess, I never really knew about them because I'm from Philly and they don't have them there.

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