Suffrage is the pivotal right.

The present moment is the pivotal point of power.

Surely every band wants to be a pivotal point in history.

I mean, 15 - that is such a pivotal time in a young man's life.

I should say unity and commitment are pivotal to the Kerala model.

My 6 years with Murdoch were pivotal for my entire research career.

Delhi has played a pivotal role in my both personal and professional life.

Working alongside Tony Schiavone was pivotal in my growth as a broadcaster.

To be honest, I don't have much to do in 'Hathyar.' I won't call it a pivotal role.

All of the pivotal moments in my adult life are connected to the wrestling business.

I have a nationally distributed film whose pivotal scene is the ultrasound-guided abortion.

I'm not here if Bill Hunter never forced my hand in wrestling. It was a pivotal point in my life.

A-Frame was a real, pivotal moment because that's where I really got to channel a lot of emotions.

The most pivotal moments in people's lives revolve around emotions. Emotions make stories powerful.

I've always been interested in the Depression as this very dramatic pivotal period in American history.

Most of us have faced a - faced a serious budget problem or another at some pivotal moment in our lives.

I have a high regard for Native languages and the pivotal role they have played in our nation's history.

Engaged, enthusiastic, and loyal employees are pivotal drivers of growth and health in any organization.

Amherst was pivotal in my broad intellectual development; MIT in my development as a professional economist.

As a member of Guess Who, I think 'No Time' was the best thing we ever did. It was a pivotal song in our career.

I value my looks very much, so it's equally important to take good care of my skin - that's a pivotal part of my face.

Relationships help us to define who we are and what we can become. Most of us can trace our successes to pivotal relationships.

I just focus on my character and how pivotal it is to the narrative. I don't mind even a 10-minute role, if it's important to the script.

College was such a pivotal time for me. It's a time when you have so much growth, and you kind of can choose one of many different paths.

Three components - education, equality and empowerment - play an important and pivotal role in moving the country forward in every aspect.

I have the 'thing' worked out - the trick or the surprise or the pivotal fact. Then I just start somewhere and let the story work itself out.

I've had a lot of highs in my life and a lot of lows, some pivotal experiences, and in ways I feel like I've already lived a couple of lives.

King's Quest IV was a much bigger hit than I, II, or III. I do feel that King's Quest IV was a pivotal game in bringing in more female players.

A pivotal moment for me as a filmmaker was when I saw 'Total Recall,' the Arnold Schwarzenegger version, which was the first movie I saw in America.

It was such a pivotal time in Elvis' life; he was just a poor boy from Tupelo, Miss. That's all he really was. He had the same feelings as everybody.

Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here.

There was kind of a pivotal moment in my life in junior high school when my English teacher told me I should be a part of the public speaking competition.

In the case of 'Goon Squad,' which sold slowly for a long time despite the good reviews, those 'best of 2010' lists were pivotal, and made the book really sell.

This awareness instills a fierce desire to protect that heritage and - in doing so - to educate Americans in the meaning and importance of our pivotal documents.

Then I met people at school who were into Erykah Badu and Snoop Dogg. I like heaps of different music, but that was a real pivotal time in terms of finding my way.

There's nothing new about women playing pivotal parts or title roles in films. Women in strong characters have always been accepted. It has been this way for years.

When Melissa McCarthy came out with 'Bridesmaids,' all of a sudden you saw a plus-sized woman who had three dimensions, was not an appendage, was pivotal to the plot.

The pivotal scene in 'AK,' where Jackie Shroff 's character Singaperumal parades around his room in the buff, is a metaphor for his false sense of prde and arrogance.

Messi is an extraordinary player, but your squad is pivotal: at a World Cup, the 11 players on the pitch and everyone else in the group can all play an important role.

Getting sober was one of the three pivotal events in my life, along with becoming an actor and having a child. Of the three, finding my sobriety was the hardest thing.

What's most disappointing about May's failure on climate change is that Britain played such a pivotal role in securing international agreement on it in the first place.

In the future, officials will feel more pressure to protect the environment. But how to assess the officials' efforts to protect the environment is still a pivotal issue.

There have been so many pivotal moments throughout my career, and I look back and say I really craved big moments - when your heart's pounding and everything is on the line.

The first and pivotal negotiations over global access to AIDS drugs began in Geneva in 1991. They lasted two years, but confidential minutes suggest they were doomed the first day.

If you are looking to get lean, protein and veg is going to get you there. Starchy carbs should be timed around workouts only. Portion control is pivotal to keep calories in check.

I think 2016 will be an absolutely pivotal year for our nation, and I'm running against Michael Bennet because I think he's dangerous. He doesn't understand the enemies that we face.

To look back and know that I have had a pivotal role in the development of comics is something I'm very proud of, although it's not something I think about unless someone brings it up.

When you have a group of players with self-belief... nine times out of 10, players can be very talented to make the roster, but they need that quality, and it is pivotal at a World Cup.

At a pivotal time in my life, Barack Obama gave me hope that a boy who grew up like me could still achieve the most important of my dreams. For that, I'll miss him and the example he set.

Just as soaps were very pivotal in the transition from radio to television, they will be right in the thick of things again in the transition from television to the Internet. Exciting news.

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