Religion is pointing toward the moon

Finger pointing never got anything done!

Start edifying the flowers. Stop pointing out the weeds.

Look, do you see that poem?' she said suddenly, pointing.

He was pointing at the moon, but I was looking at his hand.

It's easy to give up. It's even easier to start pointing fingers.

He's not pointing to anybody, he's showing off how high he can count!

Never charge a player and, above all, no pointing your finger or yelling.

I don't see anybody pointing to desktop PCs as being a hot Christmas item.

Faith is taking a step in the same direction that the evidence is pointing.

There is no point in pointing fingers because there are three fingers pointing back at you.

Pointing fingers, trying to catch each other in scandal does not bring honor to this House.

Painting does more than just point to things. The very act of pointing is a value statement.

My values, our values, aren't about pointing fingers. They are about offering a helping hand.

The Web as we've known it for a long time has been pages linking and pointing to other pages.

Those trapped in sin will not normally thank you for pointing out the darkness in their lives.

You can't go to a negotiating table pointing a gun, but you've got to keep it over your shoulder.

If I'm on stage and ministering my heart and pointing people to Christ, then that's all I can do.

Nobody is more capable to pointing out the unbalances in, let's say, supermarket prices than women.

Baldness is visually enough of a stigma as it is without a big sweaty bloke on stage pointing it out.

Nothing annoys academics more than pointing out how little time they actually spend teaching students.

Everybody wants to take responsibility when you win, but when you fail, all these fingers are pointing.

I broke my wrist on TV trying to do a one-armed push-up. A lot of people delight in pointing this out to me.

Let's end the political games. Stop the finger pointing and do the work the American people sent us here to do.

First and foremost arms are tools in the service of rival nations, pointing at the possibility of a future war.

Comedy actually works best when you're living in an OK world, and you are pointing out the hypocrisy in apathy.

Sometimes, at parties, people demand I tell a joke. It's like pointing a gun at my feet and telling me to dance.

When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.

All I'm saying is that I rarely find myself pointing to Sean Penn's love life thinking, 'I want to be like that.'

You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.

What has interested me all along is not the pronouncement of meaning but pointing toward the way meaning is formed.

We should be pointing out people's accomplishments rather than their looks, but if it can promote our band, why not?

It's OK to quote from your past. But I'm more interested in quoting from my present and pointing towards the future.

Whenever we were on the road when I was younger, I remember my father pointing out the trucks that had 'Mack' on them.

For me, pointing and clicking my phone is absolutely fine. People say that isn't the art of photography but I don't agree.

Learn graceful ways of saying no and of pointing out that this pressure to do something is not in line with most people's wishes.

[Donald Trump] is not cool and therefore they're very proudly pointing out that none of them are gonna perform at his inauguration.

I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?

People tend to scare you pointing out your shortfalls. If you voluntarily admit your faults, then people won't have anything to point out.

My duty is that of a chronicler; and if I perform that conscientiously, the lessons which my observations suggest will need no pointing out.

One of my pleasures is observing people's behavior and pointing out the inconsistencies that we all sort of have at the center of our lives.

It's good that fat schoolchildren are no longer bullied, but it's worrying if they feel it's OK to be large because no one is pointing it out.

My spiritual evolution I would describe as journey from literalism to figuratism. I now see all religious texts as pointing to an ineffable truth.

My writing is not just all facts and voices. I strive to create a text that works as a sign, pointing out undercurrents that lie beneath the facts.

What I have found that my comedy is doing - and what really drives me - is to sort of bring women together through pointing out why we act so crazy.

Digital presentation is just television in public; we're all just getting together and watching TV without pointing the remote control at the screen.

Two minutes later the right arm was pointing normally and the reaction to the left appeared. The patient made no complaint at all about the experiment.

If we can get kids talking about conservation and doing it, they can have a great influence on their parents by lecturing them and pointing the finger.

We wanted to bring the political situation in Austria on stage. Naturally we could not do that without pointing to Austrian's northern neighbor Germany.

As soon as I had proved this and, of course, also the normal pointing action and reactions in all other extremities and joints, I stopped the experiment.

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