I'm not politically correct.

I'm not a politically correct person.

I don't try to be politically correct.

Everything is politically correct nowadays.

You cannot be politically correct in a war.

I couldn't care less about politically correct.

I'm not politically correct; I never said I was.

I'm not politically correct; I never said I was.

I haven't learned to be politically correct yet.

Politically correct is the language of cowardice.

There is no such thing as a politically correct war.

Politically correct speech will not defeat the enemy.

I'm completely allergic to being politically correct.

I always tried to be correct, not politically correct.

What's politically correct a lot of times is not funny.

I am greatly misunderstood by politically correct idiots.

Politicians really worry about being politically correct.

We're so politically correct; we take things so seriously.

I'd rather be biblically correct than politically correct.

Republicans prefer straight talk to politically correct talk!

Being Politically Correct means always having to say you're sorry.

I don't care whether I am politically correct or not when I tweet.

I am a straight talker. I am not politically correct or diplomatic.

Why would you want to be politically correct when you can be right?

We don't need to be politically correct. We need to be morally right.

I am very moohphat and can never be diplomatic or politically correct.

No, I'm not politically correct. I never wanted to be, and I never will be.

Shakespeare would never have gone far in today's politically correct world.

The politically correct illiberal left far too often side with the extremists.

I'm a hate figure for a certain kind of half-educated politically correct person.

We can't be politically correct - right or left - in the war on terrorism. Period.

French courts are backward and politically correct, which is the height of stupidity.

I'm very much a humanist. I'm very much pro-choice. I'm very much politically correct.

We're going to protect Christianity. We don't have to be politically correct about it.

I'm an artist, and an artist doesn't worry about being politically correct when I write.

We could say politically correct that look doesn't matter, but the look obviously matters.

Now they're getting so politically correct you can't even stick your tongue out at somebody.

I have never claimed to do the right kind of things and make politically correct statements.

I have never claimed to do the right kind of things and make politically correct statements.

The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with.

I like to be honest, and after all these years I can't be bothered being politically correct.

The one thing I've always maintained is that I'm an American Indian. I'm not politically correct.

My father is the opposite of politically correct. He says what he means, and he means what he says.

Now, I know among the politically correct, you're not supposed to use facts that are uncomfortable.

It's become my brand in a way you know, speaking the truth even though it was not politically correct.

It's become my brand in a way, you know, speaking the truth even though it was not politically correct.

Respectfully, 'Awkward Black Girl' was never meant to be politically correct. We poke fun at ignorance.

Being politically correct means saying what's polite rather than what's accurate. I like to be accurate.

I don't think we're politically correct when we're private. I don't know what 'politically correct' means.

It takes zero politically correct people to screw in a lightbulb because they are perpetually in the dark.

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