"Socialist" is the nastiest thing you can say about an American politician in some quarters.

If you ignore the murdering and the conniving, Francis Underwood is an effective politician.

Suppose we blasted all politicians into space. Would the SETI project find even one of them?

There's the disingenuous duplicitousness, but you can apply that to every politician, really.

Now all politicians assume a necessity of control, the more efficient the control the better.

People ask me what book politicians should read. They should read the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

I am an Orangeman first and a politician and member of this parliament [Stormont] afterwards.

[Donald] Trump is still Trump, and that means he says things that politicians just don't say.

Characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.

Women in politics are more honest and forthright. We are not in it for the ego gratification.

Remember, success for a politician is 50% plus one. You don't have to have everybody on board.

I don't like my politicians entertaining me and I don't like my entertainers politicianing me.

No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections.

The verdict on Prince Metternich will soon be out: An excellent diplomat and a bad politician.

In a republic, that paradise of debility, the politician is a petty tyrant who obeys the laws.

You know there's no crooked politicians. There's never a lie because there is never any truth.

Politicians are good listeners. Because if they're not, they aren't politicians for very long.

Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word.

The antagonism between the poet and the politician has generally been evident in all cultures.

We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.

There's nothing in my background that would have said I was destined to be a senior politician.

The only people who say worse things about politicians that reporters do are other politicians.

No British politician has ever been more despised by the British people than Margaret Thatcher.

I'm not a politician by profession. I am a citizen who decided I had to be personally involved.

Women are never again going to be mindless coffee-makers or mindless policy-makers in politics.

Policy changes like what you desire come from our politicians. So let them know what you think.

I shall be a good politician. Even if it kills me. Or if it kills anyone else, for that matter.

The only politician ever to have entered parliament with honourable intentions, was Guy Fawkes.

The only thing worse than a silly politician analyzing art is a silly artist analyzing politics

It is unfair to expect a politician to live in private up to the statements he makes in public.

No British politician has ever been more despised by the British people than Margaret Thatcher.

That's the trouble with a politician's life-somebody is always interrupting it with an election.

Politicians wanted to mine the Grand Canyon for zinc and copper, and Theodore Roosevelt said no.

I'm not a politician and I'm not trying to change anybody's mind. I'm just exploring what I see.

With fear of stating the obvious: Freedom belongs to 'We the People,' not 'They the Politicians.'

A ginooine statesman should be on his guard, if he must hev beliefs, not to b'lieve 'em too hard.

I had no intention to cover my tracks since I am not a politician and I do not represent anybody.

You are more committed to things that you give money to - whether it is a church or a politician.

Politicians will always spend every penny of tax raised and whatever else they can get away with.

We have souls. Sure we do. Otherwise we'd do bad things all the time. You know, like politicians.

I refer to a negro politician as a negro who is selected by Negroes and who is backed by Negroes.

All politicians, even the most idealistic ones, are looking for money, sucking up to rich people.

I'm a politician. I'm not going to get into a whole range of scientific argument with scientists.

It's not enough for an official to be good. There has to be a system that forces them to be good.

Probably the most distinctive characteristic of the successful politician is selective cowardice.

Anybody who says, "Look, John, I'm a politician. Don't believe a word I say," is a friend of mine.

Some politician some years ago said that bad officials are elected by good voters who do not vote.

Someone once noted that a 'gaffe' in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth.

In the end, I think part of my problem was that I was a better legislator than I was a politician.

My constituency is the desperate, the damned, the disinherited, the disrespected and the despised.

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