Delay is preferable to error.

Chaotic action is preferable to orderly inaction.

A distant enemy is always preferable to one at the gate.

If it were not for the presents, an elopement would be preferable.

There is no means of proving it is preferable to be than not to be.

The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.

It is absolutely okay - actually preferable in some cases - to be weird.

Selling advertising on jerseys is preferable to keep jacking up prices on the fans.

A relationship with an imaginary woman is preferable to a relationship with a real one.

A young man who is here speaks the Panis language, and in many other respects, is preferable.

I find it preferable not to have public opinions about anything. It's good for me to shut up.

I have always reckoned the dignity of the republic of first importance and preferable to life.

The river route is certainly preferable, as it affords good grazing and an abundance of water.

Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable.

For some companies, going public makes the most sense. For others, remaining private is preferable.

It's preferable for the Palestinians to become citizens of the state than for us to divide the country.

Agreeing to share prosperity, rather than let it divide us, is infinitely preferable to the alternative.

Beeswax is always preferable to chemical polishes because it does not destroy the natural surface of wood.

I could be a vegan in sackcloth and flip-flops, but I find fabulous boots with periwinkle cuffs a far preferable option.

If you hear that my soul mate still tells one or more of his exes he loves her, I want to know. Audio recording is preferable.

Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong.

The fact that the talk may be boring or turgid or uninspiring should not cause us to forget the fact that it is preferable to war.

Vigilant and effective antitrust enforcement today is preferable to the heavy hand of government regulation of the Internet tomorrow.

Simple logic dictates that if you cannot even conceive the possibility of leaving a negotiation, then it is preferable never to enter one.

No company is preferable to bad. We are more apt to catch the vices of others than virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health.

E-books are preferable to paper; they can be delivered instantly. In many cases, they're cheaper; you can buy them with the press of a button.

A president and a party that can provide insurance for 31 million more Americans is far preferable to most voters than a party that only says, 'No.'

I believe that while race-neutral means are preferable, it is appropriate to use race as one factor among others in achieving a diverse student body.

War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it.

It's never been a point of reference to look to a man. It's not always a good thing, I suppose, but I think independence is always preferable to dependence.

That some Forms of Government are preferable to others, cannot be doubted; yet neither our Saviour, nor his Apostles have decided where that Preference is due.

Whenever you're going into oral argument, it's preferable to be able to weave the arguments together. That gets harder when you split the argument into pieces.

I don't really differentiate between different genres: if there's a good part going, I'll go after it, and it's preferable to me if it's something I haven't done before.

Long weekends at festivals, short weeks at home, all summer long: now that is surely preferable to the immense cost and headache of the nuclear family holiday in the sun?

Fines are preferable to imprisonment and other types of punishment because they are more efficient. With a fine, the punishment to offenders is also revenue to the State.

It's important to remember that, while poverty certainly makes single life harder, it also makes married life harder - so much harder that single life might be preferable.

I must take issue with the term 'a mere child', for it has been my invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely preferable to that of a mere adult.

I have no predilection for unpopularity as such, but I hold it much preferable to the popularity of a day, which perishes with the transient topic upon which it is grounded.

Upon the principles of reason, the good of many is preferable to the good of a few or of one; a lasting good is to be preferred before a temporary, the public before the private.

Blend is great for designers because it implements a lot of sophisticated behaviours, but for what I like to do, hand coding XAML is preferable, particularly because I have to publish it.

I feel that an understanding could be reached with Germany which would result in a lasting peace with Europe and believe that a German victory is preferable to a British and Soviet victory.

I love those preliminary conversations about who a character is. You try on wigs, shoes, and clothes. It's preferable when it's not about looking pretty. It can get a little dull to just be cute.

Somewhere in the back of their minds, hosts and guests alike know that the dinner party is a source of untold irritation, and that even the dullest evening spent watching television is preferable.

Would it be preferable to argue for a fairer system whereby the unremarkable should be considered leadership material? With such an attitude, can we wonder why mediocrity is now a mark of Labour's hierarchy?

Childhood doesn't have to be perfect, and children don't have to be beautiful. From a bit of grit may grow a pearl, and if pearl production doesn't materialise, the outcome will still be preferable to the shallowness of vanity.

Attributing to anything or anyone more good than God has attributed to them is not a positive move, nor does it mean that you have done them any good. A single grain of truth is preferable to a bumper harvest of false imaginings.

New poems no longer come to me with their prodigies of metaphor and assonance. Prose endures. I feel the circles grow smaller, and old age is a ceremony of losses, which is, on the whole, preferable to dying at forty-seven or fifty-two.

Doing 20 minutes of stretching, light weights and floor exercises three times a week takes the same amount of time as a long coffee break - and eating a tuna fish salad, sardines on toast or scrambled eggs is surely preferable to a Big Mac or KFC.

I've been a model for 15 years, and I've been on 'Top Chef' for eight seasons, and before that I had other cooking shows, so I've learned a thing or two about how to camouflage certain areas and how to draw the eye to a preferable area of the body.

Literature must rest always on a principle, and temporal considerations are no principle at all. For, to the poet, all times and places are one; the stuff he deals with is eternal and eternally the same: no theme is inept, no past or present preferable.

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