You can go at the premiere it's at Disneyland.

I love getting dressed up doing the whole premiere look.

You only get one world premiere of your directorial debut.

It's extremely exciting to be part of a world premiere here at Arena.

It's always great to be able to go to a premiere with the actors there.

Even then, Vanderbilt was the premiere place for clinical pharmacology.

I get invited to literally every single movie premiere that's going on.

When you premiere somewhere like Cannes, it's huge. It's nerve-wracking.

I was in Cannes two years ago at our 'U23D' movie premiere. I love the French.

I was booed at the premiere of 'Miss Julie,' a remarkably stimulating experience.

I've always been a big fan of Bill Paxton, and I met him at the American Pie premiere.

I was at a premiere, and these girls blurted out, 'We love your hair!' That made me laugh.

The English press treated the world premiere of my first talking picture as a major event.

I remember watching the premiere of the pilot episode of 'Next Gen' when I was a teenager.

You always get told how important the premiere and doing the press is, but I have suspicions.

He's Soderbergh, we're working for him. It doesn't matter what he's doing; we'll see it at the premiere.

Before 'Y Tu Mama,' I did 16 movies that only my family got to see because I invited them to the premiere.

I've worked a lot. I don't like to watch myself. I don't go to the movies unless I have to go to the premiere.

I was lucky enough to fly to New York to cover the premiere of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.'

Normally with film, it's normal for the screenwriter to never be seen again after finishing until the premiere.

'SNL' is probably one of the premiere outlets that a musician can perform on that isn't obviously a music outlet.

I'm quietly becoming New York's premiere actor. People don't understand. They have me pigeon-holed as a comedian.

Anytime the premiere sports channel calls you and says they want to do a movie about you, you're going to say, 'Yes.'

I never wanted to take off the pink gown I wore to the 'Gypsy' premiere. It was a magical dress for a magical moment.

A scuffed up shoe on the red carpet or at a big premiere is never okay! It can really alter the vibe of a trendy look.

I like to be comfortable. If I go out, if it's a premiere, I'll put on a suit and look nice. I like Hugo Boss for that.

Obviously I don't have a stylist for everyday stuff, but for a premiere or something usually the studio will hire someone.

You avoid the hype while you're working, you have to, but the premiere is the one night of the year where you can enjoy it.

The release of my first film was a very memorable event in my life. It was stardom overnight. There was a very big premiere.

I got to meet Princess Diana at Leicester Square, where we had a big premiere. It was one of the great experiences in my life.

Once in a while, it's fun to dress up for a premiere. But I'm not someone that's going to stick on heels and a dress every day.

I'm not allowed to see R-rated movies, but I did see 'Kick-Ass' because I'm in it. I'm not going to skip out on my own premiere!

I grew up influenced by different cultures, sounds, feelings, emotions, and I want Premiere Classe to be a representation of that.

I have anchored shows, been a part of the sports extravaganza like the 'Indian Premiere League 5' and done a bit of music as well.

It isn't glamorous until after the film is finished, and you are at the premiere and getting your picture on the cover of magazines.

I like to be underdressed rather than overdressed. For an event or a premiere, it's fun to dress up more - then I like to experiment.

Why not premiere movies on Netflix the same day they're opening in theaters? Listen to the consumer; give the consumer what they want.

Be it a movie premiere or an event, I personally prefer to wear a lot of saree. For me, they are very comfortable; I can carry them off.

I don't even think I'll see all of 'The Mist' until I'm 18. I'm going to the premiere, but I'll close my eyes during the scarier scenes.

When the movie comes out, what anybody thinks of it doesn't really matter to me. I don't go to the wrap party. I don't go to the premiere.

Nothing makes a girl feel more special than being adorned with some lovely Didier Dubot jewelry for the 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' premiere.

I have writer friends who go to the premiere of a film with their name listed as the writer, but they are shocked: 'That's not what I wrote!'

And then when they picked me as premiere, I don't think I feel, you know, different. For me, the position mean responsibility, but that's all.

Only ROCCAT's sleek, precision-engineered gaming devices can meet my exact demands for the premiere tools necessary to dominate my competition.

For the entire state of Georgia, having the premiere of Gone With the Wind on home ground was like winning the Battle of Atlanta 75 years late.

I remember all too well the premiere of Ecstasy when I watched my bare bottom bounce across the screen and my mother and father sat there in shock.

I wanted to work in Hollywood. I was captivated by it. I read 'Premiere Magazine' and 'Movieline Magazine' and 'Us' before it was a weekly magazine.

If my client calls me and says, 'I'm going to a friend's premiere,' I'll say, 'Come over and let's do something cute.' And I won't bill them for that.

It's the cable shows that are really the most interesting - 'Mad Men,' 'Breaking Bad,' those shows are really the premiere shows on television right now.

My plane is a Premiere; it has very efficient gas turbine engines. It goes very fast on relatively little fuel. Flying has been my passion since I was a kid.

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