TV presenting is not so easy.

With TV presenting, I speak a lot anyway!

I have never been interested in presenting myself.

I'm not expressing anything. I'm presenting people moving.

Hold cash when opportunities are not presenting themselves.

Presenting myself and my gender is about my right to exist.

When you are presenting yourself, confidence is very important.

I'm always presenting myself with problems to solve as a writer.

I always feel kind of absurd and presumptuous presenting a speech.

I like a show to unfold and keep presenting itself, surprising you.

This season, over eight productions, I am presenting four young tenors.

I'm exhausted by the idea that everyone is presenting this perfect life.

I mean, I'm an 'X Factor' reject presenting on Radio 2, what's going on?

Women are tired of 'presenting' themselves; we just want to be who we are.

I'm very pro presenting the best music I can to the widest audience possible.

TechCrunch evolved on the Web as a new way of presenting the news on the Web.

I write because it's a way of presenting something without having to be there.

I used to dream about presenting a comedy show and also about directing films.

Acting and writing are the things I like doing. I don't like presenting that much.

I want to educate my daughter on presenting herself in the media and in the world.

When I started presenting 'Scrapheap Challenge,' I was rubbish at tuning V8 engines.

If you're presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.

I'd like to break some new ground, maybe in TV presenting, rather than just be an actress.

Every individual has his own style, his own way of presenting himself on and off the field.

My favorite comedians are just presenting an argument, and they're doing it in a funny way.

I feel confident that I'm presenting myself in a feminist way that is good for young women.

I've had to keep exploring different ways of presenting the music so I don't repeat myself.

If I'm on the road for Random House, I'm presenting a book with the hope people will buy it.

The bottom line as far as I was concerned was presenting to the public who Gerry Ferraro was.

TV presenting isn't the hardest job in the world, and I've done all right financially out of it.

The value of an aware is inextricably linked to the character of the organization presenting it.

I love producing other people's work, but presenting is a very serious business. It's a marriage.

I never really thought of myself as a TV critic. I was presenting TV before I was writing about it.

Art can only be truly art by presenting an adequate outward symbol of some fact in the interior life.

There's no reason to feel embarrassed about presenting your product or service if it solves a problem.

We'll be presenting a broad spectrum of the music and looking at how the younger guys can carry it on.

I've always wanted to try presenting and see what it was like, and you know, it could be a huge mistake.

If I ever meet a writer or a painter, I don't presuppose that they are like the work they are presenting.

In reality, girls make mistakes, and it's not fair to keep presenting this narrative that they're perfect.

I never rule anything out. I'm an entertainer. Be it presenting, singing, acting, I just do things I love.

I am very lucky because I am realizing my childhood dreams, and after presenting my shows it's like a party.

There's the fine line between presenting your culture and learning about other cultures so it becomes global.

Presenting the American songbook as a living, breathing entity that's expanding all the time is very important.

I want to do presenting, I love DJing, I love writing but none of it's a guaranteed job so it's still very scary.

People who have heard of me have heard of me mostly through presenting and asked, 'Why have you gone into comedy?'

As an artist you have the luxury of maybe presenting an issue in a certain way, as opposed to actually solving it.

I am aware that in presenting myself as the advocate of the Indians and their rights, I shall stand very much alone.

We like to challenge ourselves, and having new material and presenting it to the world is fun and exciting and fresh.

Museums are not normally presenting the works on the walls as provocations to work. It's more like going to a Jacuzzi.

For the most part, the real work is done in the songwriting stage and recording; the next step is presenting to people.

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