All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on ...

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

The press is the enemy.

Any press is good press.

The press is our chief ideological weapon.

My mom did more press than me for 'Faces.'

A free press needs to be a respected press.

I truly have a love-hate thing with the press.

How drab people are, especially from the press.

Any press is good press. So keep on ragging me.

The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama.

The press follow me. I sue them. That's the deal.

I only talk to the press if it's to my advantage.

We need a free press. We must have it. It's vital.

I don't want to find myself designing for the press.

Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together.

The poor Oscars - they always get slammed in the press.

I don't read the press, I don't watch endless music TV.

Britain is a very small country with a very large press.

The press seems to love pitting women against each other.

Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in.

I would like to thank the press from the heart of my bottom.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.

Basically, books were a luxury item before the printing press.

I manage to scrape together a private life, despite the press.

When I was late for shoots and press meets, my films did well.

Word of mouth and the Internet are the only press we have left.

I can't deal with the press; I hate all those Beatles questions.

I wish I was having as much fun as the press reports said I had.

Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.

We in the press, by our power, can actually undermine leadership.

I condemn the national gay press for its emphasis on consumerism.

There's not a lot of original ways to get attention in the press.

I hate dealing with the press. But I think it is a necessary evil.

I'm tired of seeing the press equate Monaco with money laundering.

The British press has been unfair to me and the public has followed.

What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind.

The only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage.

Every technology, including the printing press, comes at some price.

I don't think it's the role of the prime minister to court the press.

Most of the press is in league with government, or with the status quo.

It's so great to have your private relationships play out in the press.

The power of the periodical press is second only to that of the people.

Without freedom of the press, there can be no representative government.

Press on. Obstacles are seldom the same size tomorrow as they are today.

God is not a cosmic bellboy for whom we can press a button to get things.

Ever notice how irons have a setting for permanent press? I don't get it.

Our printing press is the Internet. Our coffee houses are social networks.

Comic-Con is overwhelming when you have such a long day of press schedules.

Press freedom is the foundation of the rights of all Filipinos to the truth.

My instincts for asking questions is to press but not to be a jerk about it.

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