Beauty that arose out of pain.

I never allow myself to be pressured.

I felt pressured by continuous touring.

I am not a person to be pressured - by anybody or any nation.

My parents never pressured me except to advise me against acting.

Working on TV shows was fun, but I felt crazy pressured and stressed.

The idea that anybody was forced, or pressured, or encouraged, is not true.

All governments should be pressured to correct their abuses of human rights.

I do feel pressured sometimes because I feel responsible for so many people.

I'm enjoying it with Ireland, and I won't be pressured into playing for England.

My therapist taught me why I behave in certain ways and not to feel so pressured.

Still, language is resilient, and poetry when it is pressured simply goes underground.

For Devil's Backbone I loved it but I felt very pressured but so I was neurotic on the shoot.

I never felt pressured to create more stories, but dealing with people became really aggravating.

And write what you love - don't feel pressured to write serious prose if what you like is to be funny.

I don't think anyone will believe me, but I've never been pressured by a publisher to churn out a book.

I was so interested in makeup, but I was pressured to follow what my family and friends wanted me to do.

You know, I'm just a very boring, not very funny person in person. I don't feel pressured to be otherwise.

I hate being pressured. I hate when someone gets in my personal area. That's why I do it to everybody else.

I'm sorry, I just don't want to be a part of this conspiracy to make women feel pressured about their bodies.

I'm so genuine about what I do and how I want to do it, and I get anxiety when I'm pressured from the outside.

If my son wants a boxing career, I won't stop him, but I definitely won't push him. It's bad for a kid to be pressured.

Pressure is an emotional paralysis. It's hard enough to do the dishes when you're feeling pressured, let alone make a movie.

The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces.

I've been lucky to be able to make the records I've wanted to make. The record company has never pressured me to cut certain songs.

We are living in very challenging times. Pressured in the workplace and stressed out at home, people are trying to make sense of their lives.

I don't think young men or women should feel pressured into marriage. You shouldn't marry anyone, in my opinion, who you have to try hard for.

During the Mueller investigation, Roger Stone lied to federal investigators and allegedly pressured one potential witness. Not good. Never good.

I had piano lessons at five and started guitar at ten, but although music and acting was always around me, my parents never pressured me into it.

I was never directly pressured by peers, but by surrounding myself with others who were experimenting with smoking provided a certain false comfort.

More and more movies have been pressured to allow reporters and TV cameras to come onto the set while you're working, and I find that a real violation.

In the beginning of my YouTube channel, I feel like I was doing what everyone else was doing, and I kind of felt very pressured to fit in with everyone.

Roosevelt's strength was that he understood he would never get anything through the Republican old guard, his party, unless the public pressured Congress.

We were pressured to accept kids we were not qualified to handle. And we do that to people all the time, which is why we don't have enough foster parents.

Me and my dad used to go to these jam sessions and open mic nights, but I was always scared of singing on stage. It felt different to rapping - more pressured.

I remember people - not my family - always asking, 'Oh, so are you going to make movies when you're older?' I felt pressured, and that always kind of deterred me.

The United States is much further along because its financial crisis struck three years before Europe's, in 2008, causing headwinds that have pressured it ever since.

A lot of people feel pressured by the outside influences, whether it's your job, whether it's school. But who says you can't take care of that stuff and still be young?

Young people discovering their sexuality must know they walk with a strong tradition and that they are not alone. They have a right to information without being pressured.

I don't think you should feel too pressured about a mixtape. Just do what you want to do and show the music you want to show. You're not trying to win something big with it.

We need to achieve a change in the media and in the way women are pressured to conform to a narrow image of beauty - it's a lofty ambition but it's important to make a start.

We've always been the development project that lived in a time pressured setting and always where commercial entities were relying heavily on releases in a certain time frame.

That's one of the reasons why I left WWE: not to feel tied up or pressured into fulfilling a certain number of work dates throughout the week or month - because of my injuries.

The only time people get pressured into doing reunions to make more money is when the current lineup is underperforming. And by bringing back the other guy, it increases their draw.

If the EU and the US pressured Israel for change and forced the end of the blockade, we might get somewhere. That pressure should also come culturally, with from without and within.

Despite my divorces, I still believe in marriage, and I have believed in all my marriages, although maybe not the one with Sylvester Stallone, as I was really pressured to marry him.

I know a lot of parents of kid actors I've worked with have pressured them into acting, but my parents are different. I'm really lucky to have them because they let me make my own decisions.

I made the decision to end business relationships with the Trump Organization simply because it was the right thing to do. No one approached me, asked me or pressured me to take this action.

I work and come home and just have a type of normal home life. It's what I've always wanted. I've never felt like I'm pressured into doing something and that I've got loads of responsibility.

Fleetwood Mac has been pretty truthful. Open about what we do. We've always done it from the inside out. Versus being pressured from the outside and changing the inside. And that's our story.

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