They make revolutionary propaganda because they know the privileged class can never be overturned peacefully.

Looking back on it, when I was eight or nine, of course I did see myself on TV, so in a way, I was privileged.

For the last 12 years, I've felt really privileged to be living such a normal life. It's so a part of who I am.

Career is too pompous a word. It was a job, and I have always felt privileged to be paid for what I love doing.

Under all wrongdoing lies personal vanity or the feeling that we are endowed and privileged beyond our fellows.

I've always felt really lucky and really privileged with my life, how I grew up, and the opportunities I've had.

Founders are exceptional, and they all want to go back to creating. And I feel privileged to be able to do that.

Remember, social progress only happens when those in society's privileged classes choose to give up their status.

I feel really privileged to have gracious and merciless people with a lot of perspective and patience in my life.

If the privileged in society can use that privilege to privilege others, then the consequences can be tremendous.

There's often an assumption you're more privileged if you belong to a family with people who have made a success.

Haiti's economy cannot be built by and benefit just a privileged few. It must be built by and benefit all Haitians.

I'm privileged and grateful to lead The Walt Disney Company and our talented, dedicated team at this exciting time.

The privileged man, whether he be privileged politically or economically, is a man depraved in intellect and heart.

I'm just happy to be doing what I always wanted to do. Sometimes you have to remind yourself how privileged you are.

I've had some bad experiences, but I've also been lucky and I just feel so privileged to be able to even make films.

My mother's Maori, and my father's Australian. I take my strength from both my ancestors, and I'm really privileged.

I've always been interested in this idea of a privileged life, probably because it's something I hadn't seen much of.

I am extremely privileged to serve Rhode Island in the United States Senate, and that is my only goal and aspiration.

I don't think I'm really in a situation to complain, because I consider myself to be privileged to be doing what I do.

I feel privileged to be able to do what I enjoy doing and that I also get paid to do it. That gives me great pleasure.

I'm very lucky to live my life through a sport that I love. I'm in a very privileged position that my work is my hobby.

I grew up in a very white, privileged, old-fashioned society in South Africa and went to a boarding school run by nuns.

We're very lucky people, doing something that we really love to do. I feel privileged to have been an actor all my life.

Every time I walked into White Hart Lane, I got goosebumps. I felt so privileged to play there, to make the people happy.

I grew up in Essex, and all my life I wanted to live in London - now I do. I feel very privileged to be able to live here.

I love curating, because I'm lucky and privileged that I have a platform and I can share my discoveries with other people.

AIDS had won gays sympathy; they no longer seemed the privileged brats that the general populace had resented in the 1970s.

Allan Cubitt has written exceptional material, and I feel very privileged to be working with him and the very talented cast.

Wimbledon is a special place for me in so many ways and I feel privileged to have been such a big part of it over the years.

Nancy was a very special person, too beautiful for this world. I feel so privileged to have loved her and been loved by her.

I think it's disingenuous to believe that being born into a privileged world means you feel like you are having an easy time.

If I'm privileged to be elected, I'd be blessed to represent a diverse district, including South Asians and Indian Americans.

I dont have any regrets. I consider myself really privileged to belong to medicine and do what I do. I would do it all again.

I've always been privileged to play for Coach Belichick, who I've always said is the best coach in the history of the league.

The fact that wealthy people or people from privileged backgrounds may wind up in a violent terrorist organization is not new.

I went into the Navy because I love the ocean, and I am still privileged to have a place that I can go to that's by the water.

I don't have any regrets. I consider myself really privileged to belong to medicine and do what I do. I would do it all again.

I'm privileged, because I have a lot of freedom. I want to use it to make as warm and normal a life as I can for our daughters.

I've had cancer four times. But you know, God has blessed me, and I feel so honored and so privileged in the blessings of life.

I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.

I am privileged to have the kind of platform I do and the kind of support I do. A lot of women in this country don't have that.

Restaurants should be democratic; you shouldn't be made to feel privileged for getting a table or being lectured by the waiter.

For me, true and authentic democracy occurs when the privileged groups assist the unprivileged groups to become more privileged.

Democracy, despite its limitations, is in the end the only way to ensure that policies do not simply benefit the privileged few.

I have the fear of losing everything. At times, I get these reality checks which make me aware of what a privileged life I lead.

As actors, we are so privileged to do what we do and to give to the world and to choose the subject we want to say to the world.

I'm very lucky to be a comedian, and I feel privileged that people come to see me in the expectation that I will make them laugh.

A tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men, elected by no one, and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government.

I am privileged to have people around me who understand mental illnesses and mental health. However, the stigma around it is huge.

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