I think it is a wonderful process of transformation from an actress to a producer.

Acting has been my first passion, and turning a producer was a natural progression.

You're in the business - when you're a writer, producer, director - to get ratings.

The beauty of having a producer is that you have someone who says, You're finished.

One thing I've learned is that the best thing a producer can do is help you be you.

A producer has to know all about everything from set-building to costumes to acting.

I have become a full-fledged producer. I spend a lot of time on pre-production work.

When I started Samhain, I remember a producer telling me that I had a real band now.

I'm not a producer and I don't even know the places my producer goes to, thankfully.

You probably know me as a producer for 'This American Life', a top podcast in iTunes.

Every week, I take two phone calls or meetings with an aspiring producer or director.

The main thing about being a producer and not a beatmaker, the difference is the ear.

My siblings are so talented. My sister's a producer, and my brothers and I all write.

My husband himself is a producer, so we know the practical difficulties of producers.

As a producer or even as a basic seller, you need to be confident about your product.

I was too heavy to be a jockey and too honest to be a producer, so I became a writer.

My father Kamran Khan was a successful producer, director and actor in B-grade films.

An associate producer is the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with a producer.

From the engineer to the producer, all of these roles are critical to creating a song.

When I became a producer, I told myself I will finally be able to bring my dog to work.

I love the producer, Joel Rice. We worked together years ago putting a project together.

I vicariously lived the life of an independent producer from the time I was 4 years old.

Making assumptions taught me a lot as a producer, because it's something I never do now.

I didn't go into the theater to be a producer, I went into the theater to be a director.

Dan Curtis, our producer, has the idea that people like to see a stock company of actors.

Having been an actress before becoming a producer has helped, because I realize the needs.

I love Kanye for that. Being a producer, making beats, and being a rapper. He does it all.

To be a good producer, one needs to be able to eat lunch, and make ill-informed decisions.

As a producer or financier, you are going to go where you get the best bang for your buck.

I realized the exciting place was behind the camera with the producer, director and so on.

For a director and a producer to be named on the writing credits is practically unheard of.

Every now and then, as a composer and producer, it's important to write music for yourself.

I'm a writer; I'm a producer. I've certainly spread myself over a lot of different careers.

Susie Lynn, the producer of those segments, goes in and lays all the voices over the video.

You know, what a producer does is one of the great mysteries in life, so anyone can be one.

I really hope someday in Hollywood, some producer or director will hire me only to do drama.

I want to put a face to my music, I don't want to be a faceless producer or faceless artist.

As a producer, I'm quite nurturing, I like working with inexperienced, unseasoned directors.

As a producer, I probably am a little stronger than most, since I was a director originally.

As a producer, you're pretty much creating a body of work that an artist has to stand behind.

I didn't ever plan to be a producer, and I didn't really know what I was getting myself into.

I'm not the most technical producer, so the weird mixes and blown-out sound happen naturally.

For me, every film is like the first picture. I am very choosy with the director and producer.

When you are doing stand-up comedy, you are the writer, producer, director, sometimes bouncer.

The artist is seen like a producer of commodities, like a factory that turns our refrigerators.

Honestly, I want to do films. I want to make that move from actor to producer, like Will Smith.

I work with any producer that brings me a hot beat, but you don't always know if it's a sample.

My connection with South films began with a Kannada film and with producer Ramu, in particular.

One of the reasons I am successful as a producer is that I've been a very successful housewife.

On my 'Mickey' video, I was the director, producer, choreographer, editor, singer - everything.

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