The difference with doing a play is that you are in control. In film you are in the hands of the director and the editor and the producer.

I'm actually just a terrible husband and a terrific exec producer. We just actually stay together for our careers. We look to the Clintons.

A lot of what being a producer is, is giving people space. Like psychologically being there to help them realize what they're trying to do.

I think as a producer, you're always sort of questioning if what you're contributing is something that an artist loves and elevates a song.

Before I became an actor, I was a producer and a visual effects supervisor. Our industry wasn't making the kind of films I was interested in.

Today a record producer is even more involved and is often the production's sole musician, one person playing all the instruments one-by-one.

Motion pictures are a director's medium. Broadway is a writer's medium. Television is a producer's medium. I picked a medium I could control.

When I'm not singing, I'm a lot of persons: I'm a producer. I'm a badminton player. I'm a writer. I'm a movie freak. I'm a documentary maker.

I also have experience working with American producer Roger Corman who knows a lot of secrets in making movies look bigger than their budget.

It's true that in show business, a lot of times a producer will just not ever be there, not even be aware that a show is renewed or canceled.

A producer gets the whole vision done from top to bottom, to making the record to having the record delivered to the world. That's a producer.

I hope to be a producer, a musician, a painter, a photographer - I'm going to push myself to do as many things as I can and see where it goes.

The first war movie I ever saw was 'Platoon,' and I was eight months pregnant. So my husband, producer Charles Roven, wasn't sure I'd make it.

All I ever really work for is to be a really good engineer, a good producer, a good executive, good in the world of Beats. That's power to me.

From my experience as an actor, choreographer, action director, and producer, I understand the elements and the dynamics of being a film maker.

'My Fair Godmother's' movie rights sold to the producer who did 'Freaky Friday,' 'Princess Diaries,' and one of my favorite movies - 'Sky High.'

I first got involved with Mel Brooks through 'The Elephant Man.' Everybody knows now, but they didn't know at the time that he was the producer.

I'm not a superstar, per se... but I'm a musical creator - a producer in the same vein as what Quincy Jones was, or Pharrell and Timbaland were.

Oh, well, in Los Angeles everybody is an actor, or a producer, or a writer, or a director, or an agent, or... So everybody understands the hours.

My ambition was to be a record producer, and I had started doing that in the late '60s with my work with the MC5 and my friend Livingston Taylor.

You know, when you're a producer, you're a bit of a lackey. You're just making cups of tea and making sure they've got newspaper, stuff like that.

In many critical things, such as the very high purity of the aluminium we need in aerospace, we only have one producer. That's not a good formula.

A big producer offered me the part of the pretty girl that waits at home for the guy, and I couldn't do it. That's not a story I ever want to tell.

I have never had the problem of finding a producer for my films. I think I am just lucky because my first film didn't do great box office business.

The new discovery of a 3.3 billion barrel oil deposit off Norway's coast cements that nation's claim to being Europe's second largest oil producer.

I'm trying to break away from doing covers or from being considered only as a YouTube star. I'm a singer, songwriter, sound engineer, and producer.

I'm a horrible producer when it comes to me, but for other artists, I don't know what it is, but something happens, and I'm just really good at it.

A friend of mine, Neil Gaiman, had the film rights to his book 'Stardust' bought by producer Matthew Vaughn and suggested I adapt it for the screen.

A distinguished producer called Kenith Trodd actually lived in his office for over a year - the cleaners refused to go in because it was such a tip.

Whenever any actor comes into a producer session, they have so many questions, and we still can't really tell them that much until they get the job.

I didn't want to have people open doors for me. My dad never made a call on my behalf to anyone - not to a producer, a director, or a casting agent.

As a DJ, people expect a certain sound and a certain danceability for the music. As a producer, I really like to let go of any rules that may exist.

Part of my growth as a producer was not just about making beats but also helping in the process of inspiring the song and making the song the center.

I learned so much from my life as an actor, as a kid actor through being an adult actor, and then becoming a writer and producer and doing animation.

As a television producer, you do a lot of writing - drafting proposals for pilot shows and other things, so yes, a good deal of writing was involved.

I am extremely thankful and grateful to Dhanush and Wunderbar Productions. It's a blessing to work with them because he is a non-interfering producer.

My dad is a successful television producer, director and writer, and my mom's a director and writer. Even when I was young, I wanted to be an actress.

It was a dream come true, as in my first film, I have Rajkumar Hirani as the producer and Madhavan as my co-star. Who can get a better role than this?

My passion is becoming involved in good work, whether that means as an actor or writer or director or producer or all - that is not as important to me.

But I'm a historian. I wasn't interested in just being a producer, I was interested in doing research and presenting that research to a general public.

The 'Remnants' EP was the first time I got to really explore myself as a producer, and I got the insane idea of doing it on my own in my future career.

But we were doing plays and movies which I had nothing to do with other than being a producer, and I don't have that kind of interest or time any more.

A producer friend of mine from film school had read some of my early screenplays - some experiments I had done to see how fast I could write something.

I am a songwriter and producer, and though you have to be personal in everything you do, you always having to look at things from another's perspective.

Texas has long been known as the nation's largest energy producer, but we are equally proud of our distinction as the nation's leading energy innovator.

I vicariously lived the life of an independent producer from the time I was four years old. And what was always important was writing, writing, writing.

I think my music covers a broader sound than just 'Tropical House'... My goal is to simply be a great producer in my own right without being pigeonholed.

We were delighted to have Nigel as a producer. The only problem is that Nigel is so famous that he seems to dominate most interviews without being there.

Rick Rubin is super intriguing to me because he has become this god producer in completely drastically different genres, which very few people have done.

I'd had colleagues tell me, 'You should be calling games.' But to actually have a producer call me and say, 'We want you in the booth,' I was like, What?

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