Today I divide my day between being actor, producer and distributor, and the monotony is broken.

It was the worst moment of my life. The producer came up and talked me back into going on stage.

You can't be in a bubble being a producer. You have to keep up on what's happening at all times.

I'm used to working with the director and producer, and that's my relationship. It's very simple.

When a producer like Prasad, who knows people's pulse, is ready to try something new, why not me?

I have only one loyalty - to my writing. I never wanted to be the head of a studio or a producer.

In the case of Roadcase Royale, everyone in the band has a lot to offer as a writer and producer.

I'm worried a lot of our work day as artists is a producer's creation - not an artist's creation.

I said 'no' to the 'Born Survivor' producer three times because I've never aspired to be a TV man.

I'm trying to learn things behind the camera and what a producer does and shadowing the directors.

As a producer, I am dying to explore psychology and urban dilemmas - say, fatigue - in a marriage.

By the time I was ten, everyone knew I wanted to be a producer. I was a very precocious little boy.

You are probably right when you say that I could get a role in any producer's film if I just asked.

As a producer, as a songwriter, I've spent a lot of time either in my bedroom or in studios, alone.

When I was in college, I studied business because I thought I wanted to be a director and producer.

You can't be an artist while you're producing, because you'll be over-critiquing the producer part.

My dad is a successful television producer, director and writer and my mom's a director and writer.

The best paycheck you can get as a producer and creator is when people are happy to be on the show.

I think the best thing about performing as producer is to hear the fans sing along with your tunes.

It was all to do with the change of producer as well as political reasons I don't really comprehend.

When I'm on a picture, I have two bosses - the director and the producer. My co-star is not my boss.

My college training was primarily in theatre, with an eye to becoming a director, actor, or producer.

Oh, yes, that never happened to me in my life before. It was a risky film, and I warned the producer.

I never became a producer to go to parties or wear nice clothes or put sales figures on my Wiki page.

Most of the albums that have taken long have been related to illness and fatigue or producer problems.

Some artists want a producer to be a kind of svengali - someone who actually creates a sound for them.

Whether you're an actor, producer, writer, or director, it's all about the story you're going to tell.

Mark Crew, the only producer we've ever worked with, has been joining us on tour as often as possible.

The best thing about being a film producer is I get to spend 99 per cent of my time behind the scenes.

I'm a songwriter and producer, so I'm always wanting to make my own stuff, and not use anybody else's.

Marty Richards is an angel on Earth. A producer that does what he says he'll do. He helped me greatly.

I find, as a woman and as a producer, I spend a lot of time convincing people I actually did the work.

For making music for myself, I just need to be happy. I'm the producer, the director, and the listener.

Believe me, it's not easy being an actress and a producer, especially with no big daddy to support you.

Jerry Weintraub, the producer, might be a pain in the ass, but he really knows how to treat his actors.

Telltale signs that your movie is going to go bad is, one, the producer of the movie flees the country.

Producer's Surplus is a convenient name for the genus of which the rent of land is the leading species.

Getting movies developed doesn't do me any good as a producer. It only does me good to get movies made.

J Dilla is the top producer of all time, in my book, alongside Timbaland and Pharrell. Then DJ Mustard.

I do a lot of co-writing with my producer RedOne, and then a lot on my own. I just like to be creative.

India needs better producers than screenwriters. No producer wants to invest in out-of-the way scripts.

Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan; you just hope for it.

Everything I make as a producer, I visualize it as a DJ first. And all those beats, I test them as a DJ.

I had 25 or 30 songs. Sequencing the record, I left that to the producer. I'm not into doing that stuff.

Being a producer is tough. They have to go through so much - dates, money, and release. It's quite crazy.

Some people see Jermaine Dupri as a producer, and they don't really know what the songwriting skills are.

Navigating the studio system has its own challenges, and, as a producer, you want to be astute and clever.

I am unashamed to say that I have a super-crush on Kate Oates, the series producer of 'Coronation Street.'

It's not a 'sexy' position, being the producer. You have to be very bossy. You have to be very aggressive.

I've found that if you wear a beret, people think you're either a cabdriver or a producer of dirty movies.

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