As a young man, I went to Paris and soaked up many hours of film knowledge from Robert Hakim in my efforts to become a producer.

Working as a producer, an arranger, and, in some cases, as a writer for some other people gave me a super different perspective.

As a producer and director, I've tried for years to get properties off the ground for girls, and I've been hitting a brick wall.

Juicy J was always one of my favorites. For one, he was a producer and I just used to love how he came on his verses every time.

On a practical level I'm a TV producer and storyteller who's gone about as long as you can go without achieving a mass audience.

As an actress I knew I had to control my weight gain somehow as any director or producer would like to sign in a svelte actress.

Besides entertainment and action, I want to educate. You know, as a producer or director, we do have a responsibility to society.

The producer is at the center of entertainment. The producer is being forgotten, and producers must seize the center of activity.

The beauty about being a producer is you sit there, and you explore ideas which become a passion, which slowly becomes a reality.

I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours and hours a day in the studio. I'm a producer. I'm a writer.

When I'm making a film, I don't want my producer to be on the sets. So when I'm producing a film, I don't want to be on the sets!

I have a producer friend who despairs that I come across as rather frosty and never show the real me, and she might have a point.

Contract farming can be promoted if it is structured on the basis of a win-win situation both for the producer and the purchaser.

My older brother Joel became an art teacher; my brother Rip ultimately became a television producer and singer and actor himself.

I don't put myself in any box or say that I can't work on any kind of music. I'm not just a producer that only makes urban music.

I wouldn't do the music thing if it weren't for my brother, who's a producer. He understands me and helps my vision come to life.

I'm extremely unhappy with the projection of 'Tum' as a hot film. It's demeaning not just to me but to the producer and director.

Pierre Franey's producer wanted to do a show with me. This was around 1998, and I think we shot our first PBS show that same year.

Carefully execute every instruction given to you by the director, producer, and studio. But that would be a life not worth living.

If you're a producer, you always spend too much money because you want that shot - and you're willing to spend a bundle to get it.

I sing, but I'm not a singer. I'm just a producer who sings on her own songs because I can't find anybody else who sounds like me.

I think of myself as a producer who tries to bring the best out of everyone, whether that be an artist, songwriter or a publicist.

No one ever said that I couldn't create my own projects, but no one actually told me that I could be an executive producer, either.

I love Sarah Jessica Parker; I've worked with her. I think she's amazing... She's a great producer and has a great business acumen.

I don't want to be labeled as just a producer. Producers have little control and they get little respect. And I'm a man of respect.

There's always been some moron-who usually went by the name of 'producer' - who would have to justify his existence, and interfere.

I always wish I had a road map for how to navigate my life as a parent and a producer, but in truth, it's a lot of trial and error.

I'm always up for the challenge of doing more and doing different things. I love being inspired like a new producer all over again.

As both a consumer and producer of newspaper articles, I have no beef with pay walls. But before signing up, I read the fine print.

After 11 seasons, I retired from football. Four months later I was in Ghana shooting 'Beasts of No Nation' as an executive producer.

The producer role attracts introverts. Making music on your computer is so appealing to someone who just sits in their room all day.

Saying no to a project is not easy. I'm always under the impression that I might end up upsetting the director or producer of a film.

As a producer, you want your product to reach the maximum people. That has become a system, and to work on it has become a necessity.

I think from the age of thirteen, I really wanted to be a producer and I've always thought that the producer was the top of the tree.

My own father was a refugee from the Spanish civil war in the 1930s, later going on to become a BBC radio producer after World War II.

Any new producer starting up is to get investors' confidence. Investors are still very very wary of anything to do with the arts world.

Mustard believes in me so much. It's good to have a mentor that's been through it. Even though he's a producer, he's been a new artist.

Jerry Bruckheimer really is an executive producer, who obviously is the most successful producer in the history of film and television.

I don't think you can mix classical music and reggae. It's not possible. But some producer in, like, Norway is going to put it together.

I would love to work with Calvin Harris because I think he's a really good songwriter and producer and he does everything, which I like.

As a producer, I want to back projects, talents, and scripts that speak to me not just as someone from the industry, but as an audience.

I would love to do some straight drama. A lot of times it's not up to the actor, it's up to the producer. It's up to the powers that be.

I started posting a few covers on SoundCloud in 2017, and that got me into contact with my producer who I still work with, Josh Fountain.

I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I'm an actress. I'm an executive producer. I'm an author. I'm an entrepreneur, and I'm a sister and a best friend.

It wasn't slung together by a producer and a publisher. We decided we were going to take hold of our music and let it evolve organically.

I love writing plays because they are living, fluid things that are energised by the producer, designers, musicians, actors and audience.

I was the youngest producer to have a No. 1 record when Kris Kross first came out, and that was a record I held for I don't know how long.

I wanted to make a black story about South Africa. Unfortunately, no producer in the United States would put one penny into a black story.

Well, Babyface brings his savoir faire to every project. He's a very easy producer to work with, very detailed in listening to everything.

People are gonna get tired of Linda Perry the producer, but I will always be in the music business. And I will always be successful in it.

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