I have my own production company called Urban Dreams.

I hope to someday have a fully functioning production company.

I created a production company. Right now I am so happy in my work.

During college days, I started working with a line production company.

I never thought about branding when we were starting our production company.

So I decided to form a production company with my wife and our partner Diane.

I have a production company where we create socially conscious media and content.

I started a production company - all female led, actually - called Freckle Films.

I have a production company called Home Theater Films which makes faith-based films.

I would love to learn how to start my own production company and start it in Boston.

I already have a production company called J Squared and we're working on two projects.

I'd love to have a production company one day, and I'd love to maybe venture out with other industries.

There was no model how to make a documentary production company work. I figured it out as I went along.

Notional is a production company with the DNA of an Internet company that makes content for everything.

At our production company, the trademark dish - and this sounds particularly revolting - is curried pickled herring.

WMR is wholly devoted to acquiring and exploiting rights. We're not a production company, and we're not a broadcaster.

I'd grown up in a production company, but discovering the importance of the work, I realized I had something to bring here.

I'm just focusing on 'Let's Stay Together' and slowly building my production company. I'm trying to get into writing as well.

I have a production company,; I have a foundation. I have a lot of responsibilities. Not family - just a lot of responsibilities.

When I was on the '70s Show,' I had that and I had 'Punk'd' and I had my own production company. That pretty much sealed up all my time.

Usually if you have an idea, you have to first pitch it to a production company, get them on board, then go around and pitch to networks.

Apart from my film, I am producing TV serials and plan to make more films, too. Mine is not going to be one-film-a-year production company as such.

My production company, what we are trying to do is I'm trying to create content that speaks to me, and it's not one color. It's not one size fits all.

Eventually though, I'd like to have my own production company. Then I could create great opportunities not only for myself, but for other actors as well.

My grandfather used to own a production company called Everlasting Pictures. I grew up with a lot of artistas and reporters and I'd always be starstruck.

I have been on the Urban Brew board for many years and assisted with the artistic evaluation of the various shows that were pitched to the production company.

Typically, when you sell your story rights to a movie production company, they can do whatever they want with it. The writer is typically not involved anymore.

I didn't want to just work within Hollywood when I started a production company. I wanted to be able to collaborate with great artists from all over the world.

I had to take a break to set up my production company. Managing a production house is a different ballgame. It's not like signing a film and arriving on the set.

The first syndicating I tried was when two partners and I created a production company in 1952. We wanted to syndicate famous Bible stories and sell them for $25 a show.

I used to be pretty reckless. When I was a runner for a production company, I drove a massive 16 seater van. I was only 18. I mean I look young now, but then I looked about 12.

I've taken the leap of faith to stop punching the company time clock and start working for myself. I'm now the CEO of Starfish Media Group, my production company, in New York City.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt's career is kind of how I want to create my career. He's very involved with his recording and production company and also worked on some really great projects.

Most artists have contracts directly with the record company, and when they do music, all of their music is owned by the record company. But I did mine through a production company.

In college, I interned at a production company and spent a lot of time on sets. I love music videos and felt I could be experimental and hone my craft in that genre, so I started there.

We had been to a couple really awkward office Christmas parties, including one at our production company. It's just a really interesting place, an event that hadn't really been captured.

I have a bunch of concepts and ideas that I want to do but I have also been growing my production company in general and looking to branch out of projects that I am directing and producing.

I think my dream career would be to own my own production company and be able to write movies and star in them every once in awhile. Kind of like a Judd Apatow type of guy. That would be really fun.

The reason I took Early Edition - besides the fact that I liked it - was that it enabled me to start a production company in New York City. It's a low-budget film company to produce and direct movies.

As far long-term aspirations, other than acting, I do want to direct a little bit. I want to get on the production side and eventually start a production company and maybe make some projects of my own.

I was looking to become more proactive with my career because I wasn't crazy with some of the scripts I was getting - this was before Blow and Hannibal - so I decided to start my own production company.

The goal is not to just do 'Video Game High School' every year. We want to grow into a real content production company. We want to be Pixar or HBO. We want to make five series a year or 10 series a year.

I believe the digital world presents tremendous opportunities for the producers who understand it, and I am launching a digital production company, iMan Productions, to take advantage of this opportunity.

My plan is, I'm in the process of creating a production company called Tall Girls productions. I want to be doing both film and television. I'll never leave television. I just love working in it too much.

I just want to keep on creating stuff that people can relate to and inspire anyone who feels like their voice isn't heard; being relatable and being as authentic as possible is the whole goal of my production company.

I thought it was quintessentially American - very hip, very late-'60s. I was absolutely stunned when a German production company asked me if I could do a 'Sesame Street' in Germany. It was absolutely the happiest surprise.

When I closed the chapter, I'll say, in the book with TNA in 2013, literally within, it was under 30 days - it was 20, 25 days - I was already into a production agreement with a production company based out of Los Angeles.

Marilyn Monroe Productions was the first female-owned production company in Hollywood. She paved the way for women in Hollywood, and every single woman owes something to her for that, whether they agree with her image or not.

I'd quit my job at a production company and was like, 'I'm going to be a writer...' I became a temp, and it was the mid-nineties, when there was the Internet boom, and the normal group of graduates ready to fill in didn't exist.

It fell into my lap. I grew up doing dance classes. And one day, a film production company contacted my dance school looking for background dancers. I wasn't looking for it. It just happened. And I found myself on set. And that was that.

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