I usually say I left puberty at 58.

Puberty was definitely difficult for me.

Rock n' roll! It's the music of puberty.

I genuinely hit puberty before everyone.

We are American at puberty. We die French.

I was wildly interested in puberty as a child.

I've weighed 100 lbs. soaking wet since puberty.

Puberty was the most horrifying time of my life.

I was the ugly duckling until I reached puberty.

If I can help get anybody through puberty, I say, 'Good!'

When I reach puberty I'm definitely going to grow a beard.

Once you get over that peak of puberty, you hit a nice stride.

Other than dying, I think puberty is probably about as rough as it gets.

Harassment is one of puberty's darkest, most unreported rites of passage.

I didn't hit puberty until I was, like, 17, so I love to talk about that.

Puberty for a girl is like floating down a broadening river into an open sea.

Puberty was very vague. I literally locked myself in a room and played guitar.

When I was 14 years old, I decided I could cook. It was either that or puberty.

Puberty hit me pretty hard. All of a sudden, I woke up, and I had really curly hair.

Children can write poetry and then, unless they're poets, they stop when reach puberty.

Superheroes don't often get their powers in one fell swoop. It's like superhero puberty.

Puberty hit me very hard, and I basically had no use for school once I discovered the guitar.

I went through puberty late. I was a little, little, tiny kid. I was still growing in college.

When it comes to age, I just feel like puberty is, like, the most horrible time of anyone's life.

I had been on puberty suppressants and hormone suppressants, so I did not go through male puberty.

I grew up in a very Catholic family. Up until puberty, I would go to a Catholic church every week.

Comedy helped me out in my teenage years. It saw me through puberty and helped me to deal with dating.

I was really lucky that I came to puberty at a time when music and politics were completely intertwined

I was really lucky that I came to puberty at a time when music and politics were completely intertwined.

The limbic system explodes during puberty, but the prefrontal cortex keeps maturing for another 10 years.

I feel like I know so little, and I just hope I get to live so long. I came to puberty late; it's all been late.

By puberty I learned that nothing worth having could be easily attained and to succeed one must be single minded.

Puberty is an extremely traumatic process even if you don't realize it. It kind of lives with you for like 10 years.

Before puberty, it seems like I was more or less smiling a lot. I was really outgoing and wanted to have a happy life.

In your teens, you get the physical puberty, and between 28 and 32, mental puberty. It does make you feel differently.

What happens when children reach puberty earlier and adulthood later? The answer is: a good deal of teenage weirdness.

You are taught about puberty and the menopause and how tough they can be, but a quarter-life crisis, you're not prepared for.

I think I went through puberty really late in life or something. I always looked like a little, sad Thai boy up until I was 26.

I was short until my senior year. It's just, like, your social status is so dependent on how quickly you hit puberty, basically.

Every kid goes through puberty, wondering what to do about girls and struggling with homework, and every adult has been through that.

There wasn't a defining moment or match or even a person that made me want to wrestle. It all just sort of happened. Kind of like puberty.

Going through puberty, that Cape Canaveral of the hormones, young girls are in love with the idea of being in love, trying it out for sighs.

What we ought to see in the agonies of puberty is the result of the conditioning that maims the female personality in creating the feminine.

When I went through puberty I had a huge rebellion against movies. I was so upset with how they brainwashed me that I didn't watch movies for years.

The thing about women playing boys is that we're not going to age, and we're not going to go through puberty in the middle of a long-running series.

I began drinking alcohol at the age of thirteen and gave it up in my fifty sixth year; it was like going straight from puberty to a mid-life crisis.

Schools must stop being holding pens to keep energetic young people off the job market and off the streets. We stretch puberty out a long, long time.

I thought it was such a unique concept to play parents who happen to be super heroes and have a son who is going through puberty and starting high school.

She was a girl who for a ringing phone dropped exactly nothing. She looked as if her phone had been ringing continually ever since she had reached puberty.

No matter when you were born or where, puberty is the same. It's the same for your parents as it is for you - what's happening in your body dictates everything.

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