The Marvel world is a pure joy to be a part of.

You increase your joy by increasing the pure joy of others.

If I get into something, I get into it for the pure joy of it.

I sing to Jesus for Jesus now. This gives me pure joy... worship!

When you're singing somebody else's songs, it's just pure joy to me.

Did any artist ever bring more pure joy to more people than Fred Astaire?

We humans absorb a lot of negativity in this world, but dogs are pure joy.

I think ABBA have a pure joy to their music and that's what makes them extraordinary.

It's pure joy to see some people who've never had the chance to live their dream, come on stage, and let loose.

All true happiness, pure joy, sweet bounties, and unclouded pleasure are contained within the knowledge and love of God.

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

All true happiness, pure joy, sweet bounties, and untroubled pleasure lie in knowledge of God and love of God; they cannot exist without them.

I'm just insane. So what usually drives me is pure joy for something stupid. I'm also very visual. I'll have an idea in my head that I really can't shake.

When you're happy you find pure joy in your life. There are no regrets in this state of happiness - and that's a goal worth striving for in all areas of your life.

Don't look for obscure formulas or mystery in my work. It is pure joy that I offer you. Look at my sculptures until you see them. Those closest to God have seen them.

For pure joy, I look at a small painting by Arbit Blatas. An ocean liner is at the center of the composition, perhaps ready to depart. It holds the promise of discovery.

A lot of people put all that stuff on a pedestal, and they won't touch it. But I don't think that's the reason they did that. I think they played that stuff out of pure joy.

When you get pure joy out of 'being' rather than 'doing' or 'seeing', that's when you realize how big and unexplainable some things are and being a dad is one of those very few things.

The whole novelty and challenge of playing twins is something that has kept things wonderfully fresh for me. Just the pure joy and freedom of being able to explore so many facets of not just one, but two, different characters at once is a very singular experience.

I know theater can improve the quality of people's lives, and I know theater can heal. I've worked as a doctor clown in a hospital for two years. I have seen sick kids and sad parents and doctors be lifted and transported in moments of pure joy. I know theater unites us.

So, I'm on 'Sesame Street,' walking around with all these monsters, Elmo and his buddies, a whole bunch of chickens, a whole bunch of penguins and a number four dancing about. It was just pure joy, simple, ridiculous fun, stupid joy. There's no irony. 'Sesame Street' is just a crazy great place to be.

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