No one comes into our house and pushes us around.

I like work that pushes the barrier of bad taste.

I'm the kind of guy who always pushes really hard.

We make way for the man who boldly pushes past us.

I don't mind people hating me, because it pushes me.

Dating a creative pushes me to think outside the box.

'Shadow Souls' pushes probably every border that you can.

A director just pushes them a little this way or that way.

Avoid war, because that always pushes human beings backward.

Every time Luis Suarez is close, he pushes defenders around.

A good collaboration pushes the boundaries of both partners.

I like Lady Gaga because I like that she pushes the envelope.

When I see my mom in the stands, it always pushes me to succeed.

It is nice to have valid competition; it pushes you to do better.

I am a father who never pushes or forces his children into anything.

I've always been critical about my work. It pushes me to work harder.

I like being versatile and perhaps that's what pushes me as an actor.

To be a world champion from Oklahoma is something that really pushes me.

I mean if someone you know pushes a button you're gonna strike back out.

Fear of failure is a great thing. It pushes you past your comfort levels.

Don't you have a machine that puts food into the mouth and pushes it down?

I feel like hard work pushes you over the limit and makes you who you are.

Coach Calipari pushes his players, and that's why his teams are successful.

Directing pushes me out of my comfort zone, and I feel like a student again.

Comedy always pushes some buttons, because it wouldn't be comedy if it didn't.

Unless a role pushes me out of my comfort zone, I don't feel interested at all.

A tapper sticks to existing routines. Whereas hoofing... a hoofer pushes the art form.

I'm never satisfied with anything. It can make things hard for myself, but it also pushes me.

Rap is really just too conventional. Everybody does the same thing. No one ever pushes the box.

No matter how far life pushes you down, no matter how much you hurt, you can always bounce back.

All the appreciation I have been receiving has been very encouraging. It pushes me to do better.

Believing that your competition is stronger and better than you pushes you to better yourselves.

In Malaysia where the front end pushes so much, extra engine braking is really going to help you.

You can imagine how hard it is, but there's always a force that pushes me forward to do all I can!

When you're fighting a guy like DC, he's just coming in and pushes you. You have to push him back.

Take rejection as an eye-opener. Take it as something that pushes you and makes you do things better.

DC is good all round. He pushes the pace, makes you think what you're doing, makes you uncomfortable.

It's refreshing when plus-size styling is exciting and pushes boundaries rather than safe and boring.

There's just something inside of me that wakes me up every day and pushes me and wants me to be great.

I love Rihanna. I think her style just pushes a lot of boundaries. My tomboy side takes inspiration from her.

If someone offers a film, I'm willing to do it if it's something I have not done before or pushes my boundary.

Everything that pushes up out of the earth I love. Everything under the earth, root vegetables, I love to cook.

Even if we are 50 or 60 years old, if we can do it we will continue to create content that pushes the envelope.

The law of unintended consequences pushes us ceaselessly through the years, permitting no pause for perspective.

The quality of competitors abroad really pushes your timings, something that's tough to replicate in the country.

We feel pressure from every angle to meet expectations, but the pressure also pushes us in a positive was as well.

What pushes me forward is everything I have learned: political, social, cultural. I put all that into the clothes.

The diet industry pushes these low calorie, calorie-counting diets, and that's what I want to release people from.

I think fractures in your childhood make you observe the world more as an outsider. Possibly it pushes you outside.

I would say that if the idea of decluttering pushes some kind of a button in you, it may be a sign to give it a try.

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