Nutrition advice is, quite frankly, subjective.

Most science fiction, quite frankly, is silly nonsense.

Quite frankly I don't know how to be happy. I have not a clue.

Quite frankly, I don't know how I could live without my Blendtec.

Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.

I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over.

I've always believed in myself, quite frankly, and believed in my abilities.

I, quite frankly, am grateful for every day. I don't take anything for granted.

Quite frankly, Oklahomans are pretty smart. They know how to choose candidates.

If you eat like crap all the time, quite frankly, you're going to feel like crap.

Quite frankly, I don't miss standing in the box or standing on the field playing.

Quite frankly, my constituency crosses a very wide swath of the political spectrum.

Many of the things that shape the way the world looks are, quite frankly, invisible.

I was a pin-up girl. I did it for 30 years and, quite frankly, it gets a bit boring.

McVeigh's lawyer got him the death penalty, which, quite frankly, I could have done.

Quite frankly, if I didn't enjoy the fashion industry, then I wouldn't continue to do it.

Quite frankly, black folks have always been at the core of what it's meant to make this nation human.

I would prefer to get more sleep, quite frankly, because I think I would be more productive at everything.

I think, quite frankly, I have been on TV too much, but part of it is necessity, and part of it's ability.

I have a glam squad, as most on-air people do. I think CNN has some of the best makeup artists, quite frankly.

Writers do draw inspiration from their own lives, which, quite frankly, might be more interesting than fiction.

Quite frankly, I just want to be playing at the highest level of football. That's the most important thing to me.

Quite frankly, I'm running a campaign on the economy and jobs and economic opportunities for the American people.

I make mistakes. I say stupid things. I do idiotic things. And, quite frankly, I'm proud of them. Why not make mistakes?

So I went to WCW for three years and quite frankly, it was the most miserable three years of my life in terms of business.

I always assume that democracy is the only good form of government, quite frankly, and democracy is always to be preferred.

I have absolutely no problem being thought of as an action chick because, quite frankly, very few women have ever done that.

Sonic Youth could never really get it together acoustically - quite frankly, it wasn't something we were really that interested in.

Quite frankly, the financial community has to improve its image. The financial community has to be much more transparent than it is.

I love Memphis. They've been good to me, the town and everything else. And quite frankly, I love the NBA and love being involved in it.

I have no interest in bailing out anybody, quite frankly, and I think banks have to suffer every dollar of loss if they make a bad loan.

Watch me on CNN/SI. Check out clips from 'Quite Frankly.' I've always been Stephen A. Smith. I've been this way since the day I was born.

It's important to hold something back, though, because quite frankly my personal life is pretty dull and I don't want to bore people with it.

I love Joe Biden, but he's not going to defeat Donald Trump. He's not. He doesn't have the energy and, quite frankly, he has a lot of baggage.

Fear is that thing that keeps you up there on that other plateau. Fear is that thing that just keeps you closed down, and quite frankly, alone.

Quite frankly, Minnesota was where my career kind of turned around, and it all had to do with Flip Saunders and his coaching prowess and his system.

If you told me when I was a teen that I would end up being a teacher, I would have said you're out of your mind, because quite frankly I hated school.

I don't believe that we should limit waterboarding - or, quite frankly, any other alternative torture technique - if it means saving Americans' lives.

Quite frankly, I've always listened to the black side of the radio dial. Where I grew up, there was a lot of it and there was a lot of live music around.

There's a real danger in doing a sequel. There are some benefits, but that all hinges on how well you execute. Quite frankly, most sequels don't execute well.

A lot of people, quite frankly, think intense attachments to animals are weird and suspect, the domain of people who can't quite handle attachments to humans.

The Government has to stop borrowing as much money; if we don't, quite frankly New Zealand will be downgraded and interest rates will go up for all New Zealanders.

I don't have dairy because I'm a singer and, quite frankly, I don't want to mess around with my vocal chords and how those behave, and dairy is an allergen for me.

Quite frankly, anything you have you will be told is detrimental or is an asset by whomever you run into, and in the end, you can't listen to anybody about anything.

Quite frankly, I didn't become an actor to become a movie star. I have never dreamed about being the most famous person on the planet. I just want to do really good work.

For a very long time now, we've seen things one way, which is through the eyes of men. Quite frankly, I'm a little bit bored by our stories and the way we perceive things.

I think we're very quick to rip other women apart when they don't fit our mold, which, quite frankly, is just as bad as a man tearing you down for something, if not worse.

I'm very lucky. I do voiceovers, 'Family Guy,' on and on, and quite frankly, I'm one of the luckiest actors in the world. I was able to create a character who became iconic.

My instincts tell me that you will spiral into a very unhealthy place if you start pondering about how other people think about you and, quite frankly, I don't want to go there.

That's, quite frankly, one of the reasons that President Trump was so popular on the campaign trail and that he won, quite frankly, is because he was kind of stating the obvious.

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