The possible ranks higher than the actual.

Who included me among the ranks of the human race?

You see more women in the CFO ranks. It's an evolution.

Coming through the youth ranks at Fulham is a great honour to me.

Before a group can enter the open society, it must first close ranks.

In order for Republicans... to grow its ranks, it must reflect America.

Israel ranks her priorities in the following way: security, land, and water.

Elections are about choosing sides, but inaugurations are about closing ranks.

To come through the ranks and play for your boyhood club is a dream come true.

All the way through the youth ranks at Sao Paulo, I've always been the captain.

He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.

When I was coming up through the ranks, I won a lot - and probably won too much.

You can't be admitted to the ranks of writers of importance unless you have sales.

Millions of people are falling out of the middle class into the ranks of the poor.

You must not fear death, my lads; defy him, and you drive him into the enemy's ranks.

There is room in our ranks for the old and decrepit, as well as the young and vigorous.

While victimhood in America is exalted, I don't think our veterans should join those ranks.

History will tell where I stand in the ranks of Bond villains, I have no control over that.

I appreciate Thomas Tuchel. He made his way through the ranks at Mainz from the youth teams.

To jump from the indie ranks to play with the big dogs, there's a gate you have to pass through.

The U.S. routinely ranks lower than other countries in health outcomes such as infant mortality.

If the elites listened, they would understand why French young people like me are joining our ranks.

It's time to join the ranks of nations that have put the ugliness of capital punishment behind them.

L.A. still ranks as one of my guilty pleasures, along with butter-pecan ice cream and Coldplay albums.

We need more enlightened women in senior ranks, and we have to insist that companies are more diverse.

The lust to meet authors ranks low, I think, on the roll of holy appetites; but it is an authentic pang.

For all of the achievements and awards, to be able to retire as a Raider ranks highest among all of those.

A comfortable house is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience.

In any assembly the simplest way to stop transacting business and split the ranks is to appeal to a principle.

I am certainly humbled to receive the American Voice Award and join the ranks of so many people that I admire.

PepsiCo did not have a woman in the senior ranks, nor a foreign-born person who was willing to think differently.

My first experience on public radio still ranks among the most embarrassing episodes of my relatively short life.

I listened to a lot of Jamaican vibes growing up. A lot of Bob Marley, Shabba Ranks, but also, Lil Wayne and Tupac.

In infamy, it is wisely provided that he who stands highest in the ranks of society has the heaviest load to sustain.

Some people think all young actors should come up through the ranks of theatre. I don't necessarily think that's true.

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.

The higher a book's sales ranks, the better chances it has of being noticed by Amazon's internal recommendations engine.

Fear is the major cargo that American writers must stow away when the writing life calls them into carefully chosen ranks.

Jesus picked up twelve men from the bottom ranks of business and forged them into an organisation that conquered the world.

A world of derived beings, an immense, wide creation, requires an extended scale with various ranks and orders of existence.

I'm interested in institutions, particularly in the way institutions close ranks. They have hierarchies and their own ethics.

Money is a strange thing. It ranks with love as our greatest source of joy, and with death as our greatest source of anxiety.

In all ranks of life the human heart yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful things that God makes are his gift to all alike.

From the Chinese perspective, Korea ranks about third or fourth in terms of trading volume and about third in terms of investment.

If you exclude a group of people from the boardroom or the leadership ranks of a company, the company is not as good as it could be.

The poet ranks far below the painter in the representation of visible things, and far below the musician in that of invisible things.

I worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years, rising through the ranks from volunteer escort to clinic counselor to clinic director.

The Teutons have been singing the swan song ever since they entered the ranks of history. They have always confounded truth with death.

I love Bob Marley's music. The only person I really listen to. A little bit of Shabba Ranks sometimes, but I mostly listen to Bob Marley.

Townes Van Zandt ranks alongside Kris Kristofferson and Bob Dylan. He inspired so many songwriters to shoot for something that's timeless.

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