I grew up with Ray Charles playing in the car all the time or playing in the house.

I'm like soft Ray Manzarek. I think of the keyboard as almost like a bass or a lead.

My first boxing memory is watching Marvin Hagler and Sugar Ray Leonard on television.

Woman is a ray of God. She is not that earthly beloved: she is creative, not created.

I met Ray Charles at 14, and he was 16. But he was like a hundred years older than me.

Sugar Ray wouldn't give me a rematch, and that's the reason I walked away from boxing.

I love Ray Mears. He's brilliant. He's so rude about me in the press, it's outrageous!

I always say that I went to the College of Blossoms and the University of Ray Charles.

It's definitely true that Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of my all-time favorite guitarists.

I was warped early by Ray Bradbury and Edgar Allan Poe. I was very fond of Franz Kafka.

My life changed when I was introduced to Satyajit Ray. It was acting for me thereafter.

The average American's day planner has fewer holes in it than Ray Charles's dart board.

Sugar Ray Leonard was as close as anyone came after Ali to being Ali, but he wasn't Ali.

My father was a boxer, though. So, I have a particular interest in Ray Mancini, I think.

I remember seeing Sugar Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, and the old films of Sugar Ray Robinson.

When I saw Santana for the first time, I was really inspired. Same with Stevie Ray Vaughn.

I didn't even respect singers until I heard Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong.

Give it up for Ray Charles and his beautiful legacy. And thank you, Ray Charles, for living.

Ray Evernham and Jeff Gordon and people in the garage area always put so much stake into me.

I liked Roy Jones, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ali... those were the guys I was looking at growing up.

I would've given my right arm to do something on the 'Ray' film, the movie about Ray Charles.

I get a little ray of sunshine every single day I go to work and that's a blessing in itself.

Ray Johnson was a great innovator of mail art and photocopying and sending people photocopies.

Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.

The first piece of music that captured my imagination was probably Ray Charles Live At Newport.

Our reason may prove what it will: our reason is only a feeble ray that has issued from Nature.

Little Richard was it for me, man. Later, it was Ray Charles and Bobby 'Blue' Bland, B.B. King.

Ray and I both grew up with radio. Our whole hopes for the future were that we'd get into radio.

My dad has always been a big Ray Charles fan, and I've grown up listening to all kinds of music.

Listen to any cantor, any good hazan, sing and you can hear a little bit of Ray Charles going on.

I have a lot of love and respect for Melissa Etheridge. I love Joe Cocker, Ray LaMontagne, Feist.

Big Anya bag - perfect for stuffing papers in for the plane; Ray Bans - in any shape, I'm hooked!

'Ray Donovan' is such a revelation to everybody who's working on it, and it's only getting better.

Lives are destroyed by many things. They are destroyed by anti-racism too, as Ray Honeyford's was.

Rachael Ray is probably the most watched kitchen personality in the history of American television.

Sugar Ray Robinson is my favorite boxer of all time. He is a middleweight. I saw him and liked him.

As far as a guy like Ray Lewis is concerned, you know he's going to be around the ball all the time.

Everyone felt like they knew Ray Charles and in a way they did, because he was embodied by his music.

Revie said there was nothing between me and Ray yet he never gave me a chance to show what I could do.

Ray and I do not draw salaries, Any profits will be re-invested into marketing the music we believe in.

I used to watch MTV when they played music, and discovered Robert Cray, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Healey.

I always have two pairs of glasses: geeky black Warby Parker frames and Wayfarer Ray Bans. Those are key!

The three toughest fighters I fought were Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Sugar Ray Robinson.

Ray Lewis, the greatest player ever, has been hurt a couple of times, but he has always come back strong.

I'd love to be in a period drama, though my dream role is to be in a film with Ray Winstone and Tom Hardy.

My dad and I would watch Ray Lewis a lot. His tenacity, and he was everywhere. I wanted that mindset, too.

For me, one of my personal inspirations was designers in the mid-20th century named Charles and Ray Eames.

I think Ray Guy and John Madden for sure should be in the Hall of Fame and Cliff Branch should be as well.

Instead of cartoons, I was the kid who was watching Food Network, falling asleep to Emeril and Rachael Ray.

I read a bit of Ray Bradbury when I was a younger man. I don't read a lot of fiction anymore... like, none.

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