Pain plants the flag of truth within a rebel fortress.

I don't worry. I don't doubt. I'm daring. I'm a rebel.

I always go for the underdog or the rogue or the rebel.

I've been reckless, but I'm not a rebel without a cause.

The constellations this year seem unfavourable to rebels.

Rebels are the people who refuse the seen for the unseen.

People have a right to violence, to rebel, to fight back.

To learn patience is not to rebel against every hardship.

The Rebel bullet that can kill me has not yet been molded.

If You Want To Rebel Against Society, Don’t Dull The Blade

The writer who is a real writer is a rebel who never stops.

I don't think of myself as a rebel; I just say what I think.

When I need to identify rebels, I look for men with principles

I didn't rebel as a child. I missed that angry teenager thing.

It's an artist's right to rebel against the world's stupidity.

It is cruelty to be humane to rebels, and humanity is cruelty.

In my heart I'm independent, a bit of a rebel, a nonconformist.

I'm a would-be rebel. The good girl who'd like to be a bad one.

As reason is a rebel to faith, so passion is a rebel to reason.

Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I feel no concern from it.

God's purpose in redemption is to make worshipers out of rebels.

I do not rebel against my God, I simply do not accept his world.

One person's rebel is another person's freedom fighter, isn't it?

The only way to rebel against my mother was to be totally normal.

All roads lead to another road for renegades, rebels, and rogues.

It's not rebels that make trouble, but trouble that makes rebels.

Every woman is a rebel, and usually in wild revolt against herself.

The public digs needled me to rebel. They forced me to work harder.

I've always been a rebel, always curious about the world around me.

I think guys who are rebels and make their own rules are appealing.

If someone puts too much pressure on me, I will automatically rebel.

Don't rebel against the mainstream only to conform to the underground.

REBEL, n. A proponent of a new misrule who has failed to establish it.

I am the fool in this story, and no rebel shall hurl me from my throne.

It is human nature to instinctively rebel at obscurity or ordinariness.

My only purpose is to teach children to rebel against authority figures.

What hurts me most is poverty, and that's what led me to become a rebel.

The connection economy rewards the leader, the initiator, and the rebel.

I was a normal, rather dutiful child. I didn't even rebel as a teenager.

No one can go on being a rebel too long without turning into an autocrat.

Robert Pattinson is rebel cool incarnated -- the James Dean of the undead.

Rebels and non-conformists are often the pioneers and designers of change.

It's true that I've never had a burning desire to rebel against my parents.

I'll rebel against powers and principalities, all the time. Always, I will.

Unlike Wimpy Tim Kaine, Virginians have a warrior spirit and a rebel heart.

I feel like a rebel in fighting all the negative views of China in the U.S.

My grandma was very traditional, but she herself is a rebel of that culture.

We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators.

To rebel or revolt against the status quo is in the very nature of an artist.

Let's recognize that, the Houthi rebels in Yemen are fully subsidized by Iran.

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