Don't murmur and rebel in your hour of adversity. Trust in God in every trial.

There's a frenetic energy in screaming and yelling and being a rebel in a way.

I will die like a true-blue rebel. Don't waste any time in mourning - organize.

The public school system doesn't get everybody. Every generation has its rebels.

Every organization should tolerate rebels who tell the emperor he has no clothes

I am a rebel, and I relate to the rebel spirit in Chenault [from the Rhum Dairy].

The rebels did more in one night than my whole army would have done in one month.

We were the rebels of the music industry so we wanted to write a rebellious song.

I came into parliament to do things, so I don't particularly relish being a rebel.

In general, I'm not much into etiquette and am a rule-breaker and rebel by nature.

The Christian is a holy rebel loose in the world with access to the throne of God.

A populace never rebels from passion for attack, but from impatience of suffering.

The world has only as much power over you as you give it. Rebel. Go beyond duality.

To rebel against being born a woman seemed as foolish to her as to take pride in it.

What is a rebel? A man who says no: but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation.

It is the leisured, I have noticed, who rebel the most at an interruption of routine.

I love it when the director says, 'Rebel, just do whatever you want.' I'm, like, 'Yes!

Berkeley hackers liked to see themselves as rebels against soulless corporate empires.

I feel like in my music I can be a rebel. I can say things I wouldn't say in real life.

He was, after all, the ultimate rebel -- it takes a lot of cojones to stand up to Zeus.

Yes, my fashion sense is outrageous, but I am a rebel. I am young and still growing up.

What I always try to do is to respond to the song; I've always rebelled against theory.

the difference between a rebel and a patriot depends upon who is in power at the moment.

That's a difficult question, because to consider yourself a rebel is sort of ridiculous.

It takes more than going down to the video store and renting "Easy Rider" to be a rebel.

Master of the universe but not of myself, I am the only rebel against my absolute power.

The second someone tries to put me in a box, I will do everything to rebel against that.

So few want to be rebels anymore. And out of those few, most, like myself, scare easily.

Recall how often in human history the saint and the rebel have be the same person. (p. 35)

Talent, I believe, is most likely to be found among nonconformists, dissenters, and rebels.

Rosa Parks wasn't the first one to rebel against the segregated seats. I was the first one.

The only people who ever called me a rebel were people who wanted me to do what they wanted.

Only when women rebel against patriarchal standards does female muscle become more accepted.

If a woman rebels against high-heeled shoes, she should take care to do it in a very smart hat

Fear is the underminer of all determinations; and necessity, the victorious rebel of all laws.

I can stand up for what I believe in. I don't take the word 'rebel' in a negative connotation.

It is said by the rebels at Roxbury that Col. Watson has given his quota to support the people.

Teach your kids to make deplorable choices and hopefully they'll rebel and make the right ones.

I think when you sit alone with your brain too much, your own brain starts to rebel against you.

Always be yourself and rebel against what people tell you should be and be whatever you want to.

For self-realization, a rebel demands a strong authority, a worthy opponent, God to his Lucifer.

We are rebels for a cause, poets with a dream , and we won't let this world die without a fight.

There was a built-in audience for the rebel in me that had been all along not expressing himself.

You just rebel against everything. How are you going to survive? I don't know. I'm already tired.

The task of youth is not only its own salvation but the salvation of those against whom it rebels.

You know, I was a school rebel. Whatever they said do, I didn't do. I was totally anti-everything.

A born terror, a rebel without a pause... Ain't never had a good Christmas, so who is Santa Claus?

I did rebel. I was the rebel in my family, because my dad wanted me to go and just travel with him.

You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot.

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing that's ever been mine.

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