We are not merely imperfect creatures who must be improved; we are rebels who must lay down our arms.

I never felt like I had to rebel against my convent upbringing, because it was comparatively regular.

At the age of 16, I decided to rebel and become an actress. I wasn't happy with rules and regulations.

One cannot reign innocently: the insanity of doing so is evident. Every king is a rebel and a usurper.

College is the only place where you can rebel by doing exactly what people in authority tell you to do.

If you really want to rebel against your parents: outearn them, outlive them, and know more than they do.

We do not come to God as bad people trying to become good people; we come as rebels to lay down our arms.

I need to rebel against myself. It's the opposite of following your bliss. I need to do what I most fear.

That the rebels or the terrorists used the chemical weapons in northern Aleppo five months ago [in 2013].

In a nutshell-I fear authority but at the same time I resent it-the authority and my own fear. So I rebel.

I wouldn't have turned out the way I was if I didn't have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against.

My heart rebels against any foreigner imposing on my country the peace which is here called Pax-Britannica.

Father John Misty imagines that he is a rebel. He is, but he does not realize what he is rebelling against.

I'm kind of in between a goody-goody and a rebel. I'm not bad, but I'm not good either. I'm a little crazy.

It's pure instinct that makes me rebel every time someone tries to control my life and hand out more rules.

I hate The Confederate cause. I've always felt that they are our Nazis and the rebel flag was our swastika.

Be neither a conformist or a rebel, for they are really the same thing. Find your own path, and stay on it.

Hazrat Mahal, Begum of Oudh, during the national liberation uprising of 1857-59 in India headed the rebels.

Rebel children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.

The real trendsetters are the ones who rebel. Those are the ones who everyone in fashion eventually follows.

I don't make 'issue' films. I like making films about rebels or pioneers or people that are doing something.

Crowded hallways, are the loneliest places, for outcasts and rebels,or anyone who just dares to be different.

Unwillingness to accept God's 'way of escape' from temptation frightens me - what a rebel yet resides within.

Everybody always wants to rebel against their parents' music, but nobody listened to music louder than my dad.

Since it's now fashionable to laugh at the conservative French Academy, I have remained a rebel by joining it.

To be a rebel is not to be a revolutionary. It is more often by a way of spinning one's wheels deeper in sand.

To carry language from two dimensions into three is the task of the poets, and the rebels in the 20th Century.

I was a young rebel and really just wanted to be tatted with a shaved head. When I did it, I cried for a week.

Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms.

You can't totally rebel, otherwise you have to go live on your own, on a desert island. It's as simple as that.

If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system.That's much more powerful than rebelling outside the system.

My golden dream was to move to New York and live in the Village and become that cool rebel beatnik Jack Kerouac.

I knew by heart all the dialogue of James Dean's films; I could watch Rebel Without a Cause a hundred times over.

A lot of people ask why I don't fly for the airlines now. It's because of the rebel in me that doesn't like rules.

When we started to do punk, we put all of these things together to create the look of an urban guerrilla - a rebel.

Were all bloggers and punks and rebels with cameras. There is absolutely no respect for career journalists anymore.

[Donald] Trump suggesting to "The Wall Street Journal" that he would stop aiding the rebels fighting [Bashir] Assad.

I was always a rebel in the sense that I always wanted to go my own road and do something that nobody else has done.

Defiance is beautiful. The defiance of power, especially great or overwhelming power, exalts and glorifies the rebel.

My idol was Sandino, and also Christ. I was brought up a Christian, but I regarded Christ as a rebel, a revolutionary.

The crypto currency community hasn't decided whether they want to be anarchist rebels or to replace the establishment.

If too many people feel excluded from the system and cannot access its benefits, they will ultimately rebel against it.

You don't have to burn books, you don't have to rebel against teachers to rebel; to rebel is to truly own your own self.

Those who excel in virtue have the best right of all to rebel, but then they are of all men the least inclined to do so.

Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for what he must aim at is to make things better than they are.

You can rebel against everything adults say. When I want to find out what the new music is, I find out what parents hate.

Rebels and dissidents challenge the complacent belief in a just world, and they are usually denigrated for their efforts.

Rebels seldom make good revolutionaries, because organized action, even union with other people, is not possible for them.

True rebels after all, are as rare as true lovers,and in both cases, to mistake a fever for passion can destroy one's life

When you're forced to watch something in school, you never really enjoy it, you sort of rebel against it in a certain way.

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