I'm kind of a recluse.

I'm just a monk, I'm like a recluse.

Apparently, I've been considered a recluse.

I'm a bit of a recluse, very fond of my own company.

I'm kind of a recluse when it comes to going outside.

I'm happy to feed the illusion that I'm a lazy recluse.

A recluse without books and ink is already in life a dead man.

I wouldn't call myself a recluse, but I am quiet and reserved.

I'm not like a total recluse who lives in the woods or anything.

I was pretty dorky in high school. I was pretty much of a recluse.

Recluse fanatics have few ideas or sentiments to communicate . . .

I'm still a recluse. I still hate everyone. I'm still a misanthrope.

When you are a public personality, you can't afford to be a recluse.

I am a recluse at present & do nothing but write & read & read & write

Few people know much about me. I've been so quiet that I'm known as a recluse.

I think, to be a successful author, you've got to be part recluse and part show-off.

I became a recluse many times and enjoyed a private life I didn't have during the '60s.

I've been called a recluse. There's definitely truth in that. I like to spend time alone.

They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse.

I have always been a bit of a recluse, but I really was after the heart thing. And everyone knew.

'Recluse' is a code word generated by journalists... meaning, 'doesn't like to talk to reporters.'

How can you be a recluse in a house full of children, even if you had the inclination to be, which I don't?

I have always been a recluse, but 'Bigg Boss' was one place I could share with the country the person I am.

Me, I walk along and feel quietly defensive, a recluse in the Land of We. That's quite the loaded word, 'we.

I feel akin to the Platypus. An orphan in a family. A swimmer, a recluse. Part bird, part fish, part lizard.

Me, I walk along and feel quietly defensive, a recluse in the Land of We. That's quite the loaded word, 'we.'

I'm a quiet person. It's only when I am cued to talk that I talk. Otherwise, I'm reserved and a bit of a recluse.

My belief is that "recluse" is a code word generated by journalists... meaning, "doesn't like to talk to reporters."

The press has always written that I am a recluse and a mysterious woman, but I am more down-to-earth than they think.

I do become a recluse once in a while. It's so nice to just be at home and to not have to deal with the outside world.

But I'm more of a recluse when it comes down to being a writer and being a creative person rather than being a celebrity.

If I could, I'd be a recluse. I do want to be one. I'm trying really hard. But it's a difficult thing to pull off in this job.

Essays, entitled critical, are epistles addressed to the public, through which the mind of the recluse relieves itself of its impressions.

A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.

Susan Boyle having a meltdown is not controversial. It's human for a 48-year-old recluse to get a little wigged out when she finds herself on the world stage overnight.

I don't really go out that much, if I'm honest. I'm quite a recluse. If I had my way, I'd probably be at home most of the time with a book and a cup of tea or glass of wine.

I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It got me as I was coming out of the shower. I'd never seen that kind of spider before, I'm from Canada and we don't get those types up there.

I'm happy to be a writer - of prose, poetry, every kind of writing. Every person in the world who isn't a recluse, hermit or mute uses words. I know of no other art form that we always use.

I tend to avoid things like award shows and panels and interviews, not remotely because I feel I'm above them or wish to cultivate the image of the intriguing recluse. I'm just not very good at them.

My temper is of a recluse and contemplative cast; had it been otherwise, I should, perhaps, on some former occasions, have entered into the active concerns of the world and not have been connected with it merely as a writer of books.

My dad could be beyond brilliant but totally introverted. If we're talking about computers, he's on. Otherwise, he's a total recluse - he stays in the house and won't leave, and I'm like that. If I'm not working, I'm locked up in my room.

The older I get, the more of a recluse I turn into. I love the social aspect of my work. It's like a commune and gets very intense and very sociable. Then when I am not working, I shut myself away, so I can see myself living up a mountain.

I am essentially a recluse who will have very little to do with people wherever he may be. I think that most people only make me nervous - that only by accident, and in extremely small quantities, would I ever be likely to come across people who wouldn't.

I'm far from being reclusive. I have 30- or 40-year friendships that I prefer to meeting new people. I go to an occasional party, but just because I don't go to a lot of events, and I'm not out in public all the time doesn't mean I'm anti-social or a recluse.

I'm not really comfortable with who I am to be honest. I feel more free to step into the shoes of somebody else. There's always an element of me in there but, you know, if you give me a script and some clothes I can do anything. But, as Ryan, I'm a bit of a recluse.

I lived alone, I didn't know anybody in New York, and I was definitely a recluse. It had been, like, two weeks, and I realized I hadn't said anything. I was laying in bed, and I was like, 'Hello?' I just talked to hear my own voice. And it was such a strange feeling.

There isn't an amount of money you could offer me to do reality TV. I would rather get my job back on the building site. Or I could own a construction business. Maybe I could retire to my house in Long Island and take up painting, like Captain Beefheart. A crazy recluse: I like that idea.

Yes, it's a very difficult thing to do, to promote a record, do television shows, and to still want to remain private, it's really quite difficult to explain to people what you're trying to do. I mean I'd actually quite like to be a recluse, but you know, you've got to promote the record as well.

People are really surprised when they meet me that I'm a recluse. People think I'm very gregarious and outgoing - and I am - I'm thinking about writing a book about it called 'The Gregarious Recluse.' How the more that you put me out there in front of audiences, the more that when I have down time I have to disappear.

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