I have an amazing partnership with Red Bull.

I bet you my body is three-quarters Red Bull.

It's the fear of failure that drives all of us at Red Bull.

I'm still a Red Bull driver. I'm part of this family more than ever.

Red Bull has invested a huge amount in youth and should be commended.

I never thought my face would be on the cover of a Red Bull Six Pack.

I hate the taste of alcohol. When I'm drinking, I'm drinking Red Bull.

I don't want to define New York Red Bull as one player, or one manager.

I was drinking so much coffee and Red Bull just to keep going it screwed me.

I'm strictly a sugar-free Red Bull guy. I'd rather enjoy my sugar intake elsewhere.

I slag off people I see coming out of the gym with a can of Red Bull or a Lucozade!

Anytime I've been photographed with a glass of champagne in my hand, it's really Red Bull.

I really want to thank Red Bull Racing and Dr. Helmut Marko for the confidence they have in me.

I love Red Bull, they support everything that I do. They always support music and they're always pushing music.

Did you know I once tweeted at Red Bull, 'Would you ever consider making a sugar-free, caffeine-free Red Bull?'

There are no team orders within Red Bull Racing, other than that the drivers should race each other with respect.

The Red Bull Ring is a ready-made facility, it can be ready in a very short period of time to fit the FIA's criteria.

We've always said that it doesn't say 'Daniel Ricciardo Racing' or 'Max Verstappen Racing' - it says Red Bull Racing.

Mercedes and Ferrari fear Red Bull more than any other team because they know the potency and capability that we have.

My focus has always been very much on what we're doing at Red Bull. We can't control what others do. It's not our business.

If Mitt Romney is vanilla, Chris Christie is three hefty scoops of Rocky Road topped with whipped cream, Red Bull, and gravel.

In an F1 team at the end you have your little family and I feel that Red Bull is definitely mine and my place to be at the moment.

The main reason for our achievements is teamwork. It's quite simply the group of people that are here at Red Bull Racing and Red Bull Technology working as one unit.

It's mostly Mars Bars and peanuts and cheese and you go to the fridge and there's Red Bull and Beer. It's not like people are holding me down and pouring beer in my face.

When I came into Red Bull, everyone thought, 'He's just the happy, nice guy; he's fast, but he can't race hard with these top guys.' That was a reputation I had to dismiss.

Since I got to F1, and especially since I got to Red Bull Racing, I said, 'I don't want to have any regrets. I've got a chance now in a top team. I want to leave it all on the table.'

I challenge you, to go to any school and open 50 lunchboxes, and I guarantee you there will be one or two cans of Red Bull, there'll be cold McDonald's and jam sandwiches with several cakes.

If I walk up to a can of Red Bull, I'm thinking about Formula One; I'm thinking about incredible athletic performances. And it helps me choose that can over something else to either side of it.

We have a very good relationship with Renault. They treat us with absolute parity to the works team, and there is a very good collaboration between Renault engineers and Red Bull Racing engineers.

Red Bull are backing a spinal-injury research charity called Wings For Life, which I am an ambassador for, with a programme called Faces for Charity that will run at this year's British Grand Prix.

I'm on my version of the protein diet, but there ain't no protein in it. It's a Krispy Kreme doughnut between two Cinnabons. And you soak it overnight in Red Bull. Then you chase it with a Snickers.

As far as the outside things goes with Red Bull - I like the brand a lot, and obviously, I like the team a lot. We've always been a good fit for each other, so from that side, it's all been really good.

To play on top of a bus is something we've never done before - we did play on the Red Bull Tour Bus once in Bangalore last year, but it's always a one of a kind of experience to jump on the bus and sing.

To get the Red Bull junior drive was like a massive pressure off... I didn't have to go around asking Mum and Dad to sell their house or ask friends for funding. The instant feeling was, 'Oh wow, amazing.'

I've been involved in motorsports from the commercial point of view for many years with my involvement with DTM and managing other businesses, such as a rally business as well where we are collaborating with Red Bull.

Red Bull doesn't get the credit it deserves. Neither Buemi nor Alguersuari would have progressed through the junior ranks - let's not forget Alguersuari won the British Formula Three championship - without the support.

Red Bull is an energy drinks company operating a team in F1, of course it doesn't sit particularly well when you are competing against iconic brands like Ferrari and Mercedes. We are happy to be perceived as a bit of a maverick.

Doing something like 'Damages,' I played a character with post-traumatic stress. I was playing with sleep deprivation. I was not sleeping; I stayed up for three days at a time, drinking Red Bull. I would get shaky and tired and hyper.

My recommendation is to try and do the best you can in go-karting to be spotted by a big name like Red Bull or Ferrari. And like that you have a chance. If not, nowadays it's very difficult. It's always been, but these days, even more.

I was inspired by how Red Bull isn't about the drink; it isn't about the product or the can. Red Bull is a platform to celebrate all that humans are capable of accomplishing. They built a lifestyle movement, a brand that sold this product.

Having two teams with the same engine and being used to being really close to each other which is the case with Red Bull and Toro Rosso, I think we can do a big step forward if we work together and there's a good relationship between the teams.

I like to write from midnight to dawn with great stores of candy and Red Bull laid in... I'm not sure why I have the work habits of a 20-year-old coder, but no matter how many times I set up a more reasonable schedule, I always fall back to this.

We're in a good position with the Red Bull juniors. When I look around at what other schemes there are, Red Bull has invested a huge amount in youth and should be commended for giving these guys the opportunity that might otherwise have gone missing.

When launching a product called an Energy Drink and named Red Bull, a product that stimulates body and mind, it is a short step to the roots where Red Bull came from. We have been doing this for 20 years - now it's called adventure sports, extreme sports, and outdoor sports.

I've always been the locker-room jokester, the fun guy, the guy who keeps it loose and easy. But also, on Sundays, the guy in that huddle jumping up and down, telling guys, 'Hey, get it going. Let's go.' Firing everybody up. So I'm part relaxation therapist and part Red Bull.

Red Bull have always been very good at nurturing young talent - Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo are products of that - and it is important with Asian talent that people keep investing in it. There's a massive pool of people, for sure, and the next Sebastian Vettel is out there somewhere.

I remember once seeing a guy in the grocery store who looked so much like my character the Archangel Gabriel, I wanted to go up to him and say, 'Hey, put that Red Bull down. You've already got wings.' My friend had to sternly remind me that he was a stranger and I did not, in fact, create him.

I don't go out drinking and stuff like that. My friends say 'Just have one drink, JD.' I say 'What's the point?' I'll go to a club and have a Red Bull, get my buzz. And the next day I feel cool. It's discipline, not just with drinking but a lot of things in life. You've just got to look at the bigger picture.

What I believe is that people have many modes in which they can be. When we live in cities, the one we are in most of the time is the alert mode. The 'take control of things' mode, the 'be careful, watch out' mode, the 'speed' mode - the 'Red Bull' mode, actually. There's nothing wrong with it. It's all part of what we are.

Style-wise, Valle Nevado is what can only be described as 'hip international.' Brazilians, Chileans and Europeans make the place seem like an electronic music festival transported to an remote Andean valley. Huge speakers blare out thumping, bass-heavy music, while promotoras stalk the staircases selling everything from Red Bull to mobile phones.

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