I love historical references.

References drive the industry.

I take references from the past and flip them.

Well, I have a lot of food references in my work.

I'm a plethora of stolen jokes and kitschy references.

Everything I do references something that influenced me.

But it's not just a game of finding literary references.

I grew up in a time where there were no queer digital references.

Depression is so smart - it uses all your references and patterns.

Fashion is all about references. All these names being thrown around.

Growing up, Missy Elliot and Janet Jackson were definitely major references.

I can't make hard street music for the rest of my life. Your references change.

I love learning how people hear my music because everyone has different references.

For me, what makes life enjoyable is having a shared culture and shared references.

You can't, as an actor, conduct yourself by making constant references to other people.

All my references are 50 years old-when somebody shot J.R., you know? Oh my god, I'm 100!

No references to the need to fight terror can be an argument for restricting human rights.

I would welcome satirical references to political leaders as part of freedom of expression.

The odds of having films made which star women... Everyone still references one movie: 'Bridesmaids!'

You have Vampire Weekend who have more African references musically than most African-American artists.

My life before children I don't really remember. I've heard references to it, but I really don't remember.

I'm reverent toward my sources. History is a team sport, and references are how you support your teammates.

I think young people have a wonderful reaction to color because it's not screwed up by too many references.

I spend much more time looking at art history and at different references to art than I do at actual objects.

I don't particularly look at other artists when I'm working. But references do come into my work intuitively.

My first novel is loaded with food references largely because my cupboards were bare, and I was writing hungry.

When I read 'Planet Terror,' it was like nothing I had ever read before remotely, and yet it has so many references.

That is always really fun when you get to work with a director you understand and uses references you can identify with.

I try to communicate in a way that allows people in on what's going on. What's better than references to popular culture?

I have a lot of cultural references that have amassed in my brain like shrapnel over the years that are meaningful to me.

Whenever comparisons get too crazy I just think about my goals, and what I want from myself. I don't look at any references.

Yes, my mom does keep making references to marriage, like all mothers do, but it's only in a lighter mood... she just jokes.

Whenever I watch a show and twentysomethings have a lot of 'Star Wars' references, I know it's written by a 40-year-old dude.

My first record was about childhood. There were a lot of nursery rhyme and fairytale references; it was all about being naive.

Fairy tales are with us day in and day out, not just in commercials, but references in the theater, movies, museums, schools, etc.

Remember all those references to Macedonia as the oasis of peace in the Balkans. You only really appreciate it when you have lost it.

I try not to rely on pop culture references as a crutch for jokes, because then, I think, that's when the timelessness quality is lost.

There are a lot of Grinches out there that would like nothing better than to take any references to religion out of the holiday season.

I've never set out consciously to write American music. I don't know what that would be unless the obvious Appalachian folk references.

Initially, I'd written a normal love song. Later, I wrote Corona Kannala.' I say cheesy because we used a lot of contemporary references.

Jeffrey Zeldman had an astonishing ability to craft a seductive coolness using educated references, dry humor, and retro/organic imagery.

There are writers in Germany who drink the Absolute like water; and there are books in which even the dogs make references to the Infinite.

'Clue' was a big flop when it came out, but it became a... It's a movie that almost everyone references with me, now, when I run into people.

I think being a foreigner and talking about Hollywood allowed me to use some cliches and some references that an American would maybe not use.

I have always loved really dense, complicated stories with lots of layers, tons of obscure literary references, and a plethora of inside jokes.

You might as well acknowledge what came before, because you can never do something wholly new. It's not unoriginal to make your references clear.

We're expressing ourselves through references to anime and things like that, but SoundCloud music is just music that happens to be on SoundCloud.

People don't know what to do when writing a story with teens that takes place now - they think you have to make a bunch of references to Facebook.

I guess I will always be known as a designer who references Ibiza, even though I've only been to the island a couple of times in my early twenties.

Renaming a class at one level is really easy; you just change the name. But how do you change all the references to that class and all the imports?

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