I hate being rejected.

Girls rejected me a lot.

I've gotten rejected a lot.

The Stone the Builders Rejected.

I was rejected for many-many films.

You take the risk of being rejected.

Nobody likes to be rejected, you know?

I got rejected from journalism school!

I've gotten rejected hundreds of times.

Every time you get rejected, say: 'Next!'

Stay enthusiastic after getting rejected.

I had been rejected, but I was still in love.

All great innovations are built on rejections.

I kept sending out stories and getting rejected.

Cameraphones will be rejected by corporate users.

Every time I put myself out there, I get rejected.

A reduced Christ is the same as a rejected Christ.

People are afraid, people don't want to be rejected.

As of now, ALL your opinions are rejected." - Ichigo

I spent a lot of time feeling alienated and rejected.

There are 9 rejected ideas for every idea that works.

I've never chosen or rejected a role because of money.

Men are very delicate. They don't like being rejected.

Good counsel rejected returns to enrich the givers bosom.

I got rejected from all the good drama schools first time.

I made it very clear that I rejected bigotry of all forms.

I used to like loads of boys and get rejected all the time.

When you're fired, you're rejected. It's as simple as that.

My cards and flowers always got rejected on Valentines Day.

I think when the world makes you feel rejected, you bite back.

By keeping her heart protected, she'll never ever feel rejected.

If I played a vamp I would be rejected by the audience outright.

Don't let anyone, or any rejection, keep you from what you want.

I was rejected from 'American Idol' - and I'm happier for it now.

I've rejected certain books, then gone back later and loved them.

Nobody from the administration has officially rejected my column.

Any type of anti-Semitism in any form needs to be soundly rejected.

You're rejected 10 to 20 times for every part you are going to get.

I decided to write short stories because they got rejected quicker.

Racial distinctions should not be rejected; they should be embraced.

I never rejected any responsibility, but that depends on the decision.

I never went to film school, so I never had the chance to be rejected.

I would be rejected if I submitted any of my novels as romance novels.

A lot of people offered me to go public, but I have always rejected it.

When I wrote my first book, 'Koolaids,' I felt rejected and not wanted.

I rejected the notion that my race or sex would bar my success in life.

When a thought is too weak to be expressed simply, it should be rejected.

I haven't got enough fingers to count the number of clubs who rejected me.

Just because you are different does not mean that you have to be rejected.

I get nervous about press and about being rejected or disappointing myself.

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