We love purely when we release other people to be who they are.

We love purely when we release other people to be who they are.

Music is my release.

Nightmares are releases.

Release your inner Kane.

Yoga's an amazing release.

I've got a good, quick release.

When I release, you loose teeth.

Sadness of love without release.

Belief releases creative powers.

I release my scoops strategically.

I like to box. It's a great release.

Always be ready to release your mind.

Sport is escapism. Sport is a release.

Music is like a huge release of tension.

The fact is, it's hard to release movies.

Every miracle brings the release of glory.

Control me...release me...forget about me.

I need a release from whatever I'm writing.

I love shopping! It's my release sometimes.

I also plan to release a ballads collection.

I feel like I've always had a quick release.

Death is release, if you've lived all right.

Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it.

Steam is probably the easiest to release on.

Rap was more of a release for me, a journal.

Yoga releases the creative potential in life.

It's always really scary to release new work.

Because there's so much stuff I don't release.

If you release me today, I'll preach tomorrow.

I want to release music that is true to myself.

When you are a thankful person it releases joy.

Horror films don't create fear. They release it.

Death is a release from and an end of all pains.

When you release endorphins, you just feel good.

It's very difficult to release an X-rated movie.

The spell of power never quite releases its hold.

Receive without conceit, release without struggle.

I don't even like being quoted in a press release.

It's easier to release an ebook than a print book.

It is in your power to release the ability of God.

I am always nervous before the release of any film.

It's criminal to make a film and not see it release.

Laughing and crying, you know it's the same release.

I don't release records to be anything but enjoyable.

Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?

I want people to really care when I release an album.

A theatrical release is not possible for a short film.

Before the release of any film, I feel like a beginner.

Laughter is the best way to release tensions and fears.

Laughing is a medicine. It releases this amazing stuff.

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