Oh! what a luxury it is to weep, / And find in tears a sad relief!

Death is the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all.

If I'm not mistaken, I think Data was the comic relief on the show.

Relief spilled into me. He wanted to live. He just didn't know how.

For most people reform meant relief from ecclesiastical extortions.

The war is relentless: it puts the alternative in a ruthless relief.

Winning, to me, is relief; losing is like dying. It's gut-wrenching.

If it means being settled and content, getting older can be a relief.

I'm a runner by hobby and by nature of stress relief and staying fit.

"Have you ever found anything that gives you relief?" "Yes. A drink."

Where the waters do agree, it is quite wonderful the relief they give.

I think, being an actor, it's just a relief every time you get a part.

We need three kinds of pitching: left-handed, right-handed and relief.

We need three kinds of pitching: left handed, right handed, and relief.

I'm probably the only relief pitcher who has more saves than strikeouts.

I read the Romans had bread and circuses. We had home relief and boxing.

Finding relief in your problem is fine, but it will not cure the problem.

To be nominated was enough, but when I won I the Tony I just felt relief.

There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse.

I'm too small for the universe to revolve around me. It is a huge relief!

Canadian girls are so pretty it's a relief now and then to see a plain one.

It's a great relief that you're not as bad a parent as you thought you were.

Before you do something to help, your presence already can bring some relief.

The relief of enemies has a tendency to unite mankind in fraternal affection.

Giving debt relief to people that really need it, that's what foreclosure is.

It is from your hands that Our Lord, in the person of the sick, seeks relief.

If it was up to me, I would have put more money into the state fiscal relief.

There is no lasting hope in violence, only temporary relief from hopelessness.

Our brave men and women are fighting around the world and they deserve relief.

When you taste super-success after tasting super-failure, there is huge relief.

I never took pleasure in seeing a bull die. Relief, but certainly not pleasure.

Regaining favor with your worst enemy is a satisfactory but short lived relief.

The relief that is afforded to mere want, as want, tends to increase that want.

So, all levels of government should be working on tax relief. That's important.

Americans want relief from uncontrolled immigration, which is what we have now.

Truth is, it's a relief to finally put my life in the hands of someone I trust.

WIth both trepidation and relief, I abandoned pragmatism in favor of magnetism.

We want to deliver tax relief all across the country, no matter where you live.

Sometimes it's a relief just to focus on putting one foot in front of the other.

Think of an abstract painting as very, very low relief - a thing, not a picture.

You prepare each week to win, and for it to finally pay off, it is a big relief.

Israelis would mostly breathe a sigh of relief if Palestinians were to disappear.

To finish is both a relief and a release from an extraordinarily pleasant prison.

It's such a joy to be able to play someone who is angry. It's a joy and a relief.

If a hurricane came here, I would want any relief plan to be fiscally responsible.

My environment can give me relief from sin and tension, only the Lord can cure it.

The back is like a frame, the front body, the painting that it throws into relief.

European countries give much larger shares of aid for poverty relief than the U.S.

As entertainment, fiction may offer momentary relief from the stresses of reality.

Compared to the challenges or raising an autistic child, weightlifting is a relief.

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