Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.

Nature herself has imprinted on the minds of all the idea of God

[The United States is] founded on the principles of Christianity

I'm very anti-religious because religion tends to disembody you.

Religion is the human response to being alive and having to die.

I'm religious. I think this is something God had planned for me.

I'm not a religious person, but I read the Bible many years ago.

My fear is greater than my faith, but I walk the missionary way.

I'm getting old, don't wear underwear, and I don't go to church.

I know how it feels to be hated because of my religious beliefs.

If your leadership isn't all about you, it will live beyond you.

The worst kind of sin is not to acknowledge that you are sinful.

Every act of his life is, in a very real sense, a religious act.

We've never been a religious band, but the media wants us to be.

And storied windows richly dight, Casting a dim religious light.

Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.

God's part is to put forth power; our part is to put forth faith.

Religious tolerance. No! Zero tolerance for any type of religion.

Religious canons, civil laws, are cruel; then what should war be?

I'm not religious. I would say I'm more spiritual than religious.

Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.

Want to learn to forgive? Then consider how you've been forgiven.

I was brought up Catholic, and my family is still very religious.

Religious questions have often led to wicked and impious actions.

Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears.

The Gita is not an aphoristic work, it is a great religious poem.

I can't imagine falling in love with a devoutly religious person.

I don't think my religious convictions should be held against me.

We beseech [God] to pardon our national and other transgressions.

Surely if men's hearts were right, short sermons would be enough.

It is only the religious mind that is a truly revolutionary mind.

Religion is the recognition of all our duties as divine commands.

If we are not full of Him we have nothing to offer to anyone else.

It is not difficult to find a religious justification for killing.

Has your relationship with God changed the way you live your life?

I said, you know they refused Jesus, too. He said, you're not him.

The understanding soul prays; the praying soul gets understanding.

Whenever I explore the land of Yin, I always take one on the chin.

Many journalists seem to desire 'liberation' from Christian roots.

I believe above the storm the smallest prayer will still be heard.

Doing science is not inherently incompatible with religious faith.

Can a civilization hold together if man abandons his faith in God?

All religious beliefs seem weird to people not brought up in them.

No nations are more warlike than those which profess Christianity.

The problem of suffering is not about something but about someone.

I believe there is a time for meditation in cathedrals of our own.

I tell you this: Your Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.

I'm a sucker for nice religious leaders. I fall for it every time.

Nothing but religious faith has been able to save men from despair.

The love of Christ always helps us see beyond the faults of others.

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