I love a girl that can make me laugh. I am not really a ...

I love a girl that can make me laugh. I am not really a laugh-at-things type of guy and I don't smile and laugh all the time... But if a girl can make me laugh... I'm in love!!!!

I'm a peculiar type.

Is drunk dancing a type?

I'm the type of player I am.

I'm more of a rodeo type guy.

I'm an old-school type of guy.

I'm not like a performer type.

Appearance is a type of power.

There are two types of sufferers

Music is the perfect type of art.

I am a melancholy type of person.

I like playing dark, broody types.

I'm never a flashy type of person.

Im not really Type A, but A minus.

When I was young, boys didn't type.

I'm not really the sex symbol type.

I’m not really the sacrificing type.

I write about true-life type things.

Words have meaning, type has spirit.

I'm not the Hollywood type of person.

I'm a pretty solitary type of person.

I don't run like any type of athlete.

I'm the type of person that forgives.

You find out what type of man you are.

I think K-Pop is a type of expression.

I'm not a sock-em, rock-em type of guy.

A noble type of good. Heroic womanhood.

I would love to do a 'Scream'-type movie.

I'm not a Pollyanna sort of kumbaya type.

What type of legacy do you want to leave?

Think about what a user is going to type.

Type should be beautiful — Screw readable!

I'm not the type of person that is forced.

I'm that type of person that loves change.

Dress for your body type and not your age.

I have a whole different type of lifestyle.

Any time you're a type, your career's over.

I love going to the G4 sci-fi-type parties.

Sleep? What's that? A new type of casserole?

I'm not the type to get ulcers. I give them.

I'm very Type A; I like to get my list done.

... nets, grids, and other types of calculus.

I am so tired, I can hardly type these worfs.

The cow is the purest type of sub-human life.

What do hookers do on their nights off, type?

Yeah, I do stand-up, my own type of stand-up.

Everybody knew that I could type pretty well.

I've never been a calm, midrange type person.

Marlon was more of a formal zoo director type.

I'm never shocked, I'm not the shockable type!

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