It was here that I suspended my religious inquiries (aged 17).

For what is faith unless it is to believe what you do not see?

Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?

In the middle of my little mess, I forget how BIG I'm blessed!

Your country needs religious leaders and religious politicians

The true measure of loving God is to love him without measure.

Religion, whatever it is, is a man's total reaction upon life.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

A Christian who is not a revolutionary today isn't a Christian

True art is made noble and religious by the mind producing it.

Certain teachings in the Bible are as diamonds in a dung-heap.

The elite attack religious people and clergy with a vengeance.

Nothing renders a nation so despicable as religious despotism.

America is a country founded on religious freedom and liberty.

Anti-religious sneers are a hallmark of perpetual adolescents.

I have always felt that my work is religious, not sacrilegious.

I had a lot of very religious influences - Christian religious.

They are mad men (Jews), but you should not burn them for that.

Work is a substitute religious experience for many workaholics.

When I hear that a man is religious, I conclude he is a rascal!

Freedom of religion has been replaced by freedom from religion.

True, you don't have to be religious to be crazy, but it helps.

There is nothing more important than appearing to be religious.

Politics and religious leaders [are hindered] by their egotism.

Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.

Schooling deprived of religious insights is wretched education.

God's thoughts of you are many, let not yours be few in return.

I must exchange whispers with God before shouts with the world.

Increasingly, Christianity is the object of scorn and ridicule.

Ministers should be stars to give light, not clouds to obscure.

God gave me emotions so I could experience life, not destroy it

We all have our pet things that we like to get religious about.

Belief is truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart.

Oh Lord, may I be directed what to do and what to leave undone.

Faith is holding onto uncertainties with passionate conviction.

I'm fascinated by religion, but I'm not particularly religious.

If someone spreads hate then they're not your religious leader.

To be right with God has often meant to be in trouble with men.

Nuclear Weapons merit unequivocal and unhesitating condemnation

Have confidence. Return. Invoke our Lady and you'll be faithful.

True religious movements prosper and flourish under tribulation.

Religion in the public square is becoming an endangered species.

My family is still very Southern Baptist, and they're religious.

I don't believe that heaven waits for only those who congregate.

When you open an Apple product it's like a religious experience.

Sometimes the cultures phobia of religion borders on the absurd.

The Christian should take nothing short of Christ for his model.

I'm not religious, but I understand the need for faith and hope.

America's a melting pot, all races, cultures, religious choices.

I was suppose to be a Jesuit priest or a naval academy graduate.

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