Life [had] replaced logic.

Revelation replaced investigation.

Facts cannot be replaced by opinion.

Tom Carnegie will never be replaced.

Eventually, all companies are replaced.

God has replaced sex as the unmentionable.

Anybody can be replaced. I can be replaced.

Competition must be replaced by cooperation.

Online commerce is being replaced by mobile.

Computers have virtually replaced tape recorders.

Imprisoned quacks are always replaced by new ones.

I don't want to see Superman replaced with Superboy.

Possessions can be replaced - it's people that can't.

In time of war, truth is always replaced by propaganda.

It's just to let the other one know it can be replaced.

Being interesting has been replaced by being identifiable.

You have to be, become, the musician who can't be replaced.

We live in a world in which politics has replaced philosophy.

I nearly died twice after I replaced Michael Crawford in 'EFX.'

Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel.

I replaced Walsh, I replaced Blackmore, now I just gotta be me.

I've had experiences that, you know, really couldn't be replaced.

I don't think 'Shooting Stars' has ever successfully been replaced.

Would that well-thinking people should be replaced by thinking ones.

Everybody's seen a stream or a wood they knew replaced by a strip mall.

If you don't want to be replaced by a machine, don't try to act like one!

I've had all my teeth replaced with solid gold replicas of the originals.

Perhaps the street photographer has been replaced by the security camera.

All states and nations, however great, bloom for a season and are replaced.

You always have to make sure your husband knows he isn't going to be replaced.

Greed has replaced religion as the national religion, and with greed comes envy.

Fundamentalists from every religion have to be replaced, have to be disempowered.

But what was possible or practical had been replaced by a far baser impulse. Hope.

My mom was a biological illustrator for a time before computers replaced that job.

I can't imagine that life can be replaced with a computer universe. I can't accept it.

The old question 'Is it in the database?' will be replaced by 'Is it on the blockchain?'

[Louis Armstrong] was the only musician who ever lived, who can't be replaced by someone.

The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.

As female hormones decrease, they're replaced with an overwhelming urge to grow delphinium.

Bashar al-Assad needs to be replaced, but he can't be replaced with another Bashar al-Assad.

God has been replaced, as he has all over the West, with respectability and air conditioning.

The worst thing Spurs ever did was get rid of Keith Burkinshaw. They have never replaced him.

Leadership can change its mind; leadership can open its eye. Leadership can even be replaced.

The romantic idealism of my youth has been replaced with realism and hard work at what I love.

I exist because I am expendable. In all honesty, it's because if I get hurt, I can be replaced.

The only weight I ever lifted weighed 24 ounces. It was a Schlitz. I always replaced my fluids.

I joined Tommy Dorsey at the Paramount Theater in New York as a singer. I replaced Frank Sinatra.

I replaced the headlights in my car with strobe lights, so it looks like I'm the only one moving.

The defence and air defence ministers were both replaced and more than 2,000 officers lost their jobs.

No one would call me a great cook, but over years of cooking, for me, confidence has replaced ambition.

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