Anything to do with 'The Office' I would revisit.

I think it was a major mistake to revisit Title II.

Never revisit the past, that's dangerous. You know, move on.

Every time you revisit a book, you get something else out of it.

We must revisit the idea that science is a methodology and not an ontology.

I think a lot of people feel shame when they revisit their years of addiction.

I've played guitar in so many different styles, and I want to revisit them all.

I probably revisit in my work the moment at which I realised that dreams couldn't be reality.

We make movies to be watched in theatres. Online streaming is more of a bonus, to revisit the film.

I once wore bright orange flares with a Spice Girls t-shirt. Let's hope that's a look I'll never revisit.

They made a fatal mistake in doing 'Psycho' again. Why do that? Why revisit something that stands for itself?

On daytime they continue to revisit a lot of the same stuff while nighttime does move on and show development.

I am not very good at sticking to outlines, and I double back all the time to revisit scenes and change things.

I've been lucky enough in my career to have opportunities to revisit things that meant a lot to me in childhood.

I love films that aren't just speaking to certain moments in the culture but are something that people can revisit.

I was a very close friend of Dash Snow's, so whenever I get a chance to revisit his work, that's always amazing for me.

I revisit old favorites like 'Buffy' and 'Battlestar Galactica' when I'm bored. I am obsessed with 'Scandal.' I love TV.

In my view, as a country we need to rediscover some of that skepticism about government and revisit that libertarian agenda.

When it's deep into the season and you're not playing well, it's frustrating. This is when it's time to revisit some basics.

With the crime novels, it's delightful to have protagonists I can revisit in book after book. It's like having a fictitious family.

Sometimes you revisit things and relationships, and then you get going on in it, and you realized that there is a reason this ended.

It's a funny thing having a recording be part of your career. It means you can go back and revisit yourself, in a way most people don't.

I was born on TV, meaning that's where I caught my break. So that's where I always have to be smart and revisit that medium as much as I can.

After we air the call, it's gone. I always thought, 'What a waste.' That's such a powerful story, and there's no way to revisit it or share it.

I've done 70 different characters on my podcast. But in terms of characters that I revisit a lot, I think there are 10 that I know more in-depth.

101 Dalmatians' espouses virtues good to revisit: In times of crisis, families must pull together through love and commitment to overcome obstacles.

Every launch of a new international edition of HuffPost is an opportunity to revisit our core DNA and remind ourselves who we are as an organization.

People have these ideas of what you're supposed to do to have a career, like play against type, or don't revisit a character. I'm just not that precious.

My talent before singing is being able to interpret and understand my emotions. I've felt pain and felt it intensely, so every time I sing, I revisit it.

It's important to address young people in the reopening of New Orleans. In rebuilding, let's revisit the potential of American democracy and American glory.

I think all of those things, but certainly the booze really brought out the really unreasonable side of me, and I just didn't want to revisit that place again.

I've been on stage plenty of times, and one of the things about being a stage actress is you have a 3-month run to revisit the story nightly and play it again.

I'm fascinated by the way early experiences haunt and revisit you, remain present in your life for decades and decades - they can even shape who you ultimately become.

I've found that readers of historical romances really like series because they get to revisit characters and find out what happens with them. I've done several series.

I'm praying that was my one little dip in the cancer pool. I hope never to have to revisit that, but I learned a lot, I'm cancer free with a bright and hopeful future.

Innocence is a pretty dangerous thing, you know. Revisit Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot' or, for that matter, Greene's 'The Quiet American' to find out how destructive it can be.

Few and far between are the books you'll cherish, returning to them time and again, to revisit old friends, relive old happiness, and recapture the magic of that first read.

I revisit stories and see if they are still living and breathing, because if you do a film you live with that story for another year. I can't do a film in six months and scoot.

Usually, I don't revisit a scene once shot. However, in 'Gentleman,' every morning on the sets, I had to revisit the last four scenes and then shoot for the next set of scenes.

Everyone has their 'Showgirls.' We remember the great films actors have been in, and the rest get forgotten. But occasionally, people like to revisit the ones that get swept aside.

The Dorset coast, where I spent my childhood, is a gorgeous place to run. I love to explore and revisit places like the cliffs at Kimmeridge Bay and the abandoned village of Tyneham.

I think Jane Austen is like Shakespeare, in a slightly different way. I think people will continue to revisit these stories because they remain relevant, regardless of how you do them.

I sometimes like to tinker with poems that have failed, ones that I have sent aside. Even years afterward, I will revisit them if there is something about them that I cannot give up on.

The public so often want to freeze the artist in a moment in time when they were at their peak, and they want the artist to revisit it over and over again as if it was something authentic.

From our point of view, the most exciting thing would be if we discovered something really fundamental in our understanding was just off a bit - and that now we have a chance to revisit it.

I am Classic Rock Revisited. I revisit it every waking moment of my life because it has the spirit and the attitude and the fire and the middle finger. I am Rosa Parks with a Gibson guitar.

There's so much music from Led Zeppelin that I think I overlooked when I was a kid because I didn't understand it, so now to revisit it at an older age, I have a deeper appreciation for it.

An outgrowth of having a long career is that I have a lot of interesting things around that I get to revisit, and someday get to the place where they become something that I want to do next.

There was a board game called 'Sorcery,' which is one of my favorites, and I would often revisit the game. It's not a video game, but it definitely stands out in my mind as a game that impacted me.

I think what we find, especially with the kids that grew up with 'Clone Wars,' when they're of the age where they're like, 'I want to revisit that stuff,' who knows what format they're going to watch it on.

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