Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want ...

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

I do ride my bike a lot.

I want to ride a unicorn.

Life is a pretty awesome ride.

Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Marriage isn't a carnival ride.

I would ride my horse to school.

I'm grateful and enjoying the ride.

I love getting paid to ride a horse.

I ride my horse at competition level.

Saddle your dreams before you ride em.

'Batman' was a colorful and wild ride.

Everybody likes a roller coaster ride.

I just enjoy the ride while I have it.

I'm made to ride a bike, not do washing.

When I ride, I always like to look neat.

I feel like I was born to ride the track.

I do periodically ride a bus with my kids.

If the ride is more fly, then you must buy.

I'm a pretty informal guy. I ride a Harley.

Sure, give me an adventure and I'll ride it.

It's the way you ride the trail that counts.

I ride my horses three to four times a week.

I can't remember ever being told how to ride.

I've had a great ride. I've got no complaints.

Industry is a better horse to ride than genius.

Ride the horse in the direction that it's going.

Culture is evolving, and I'm along for the ride.

I ride horses, I love horses, I've owned horses.

Maybe I should just go home and ride my tractor.

I like to dirt bike ride, four wheeler, go-kart.

It's been a crazy ride, truly a Cinderella story.

To ride two horses at the same time is difficult.

If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.

It's been a hell of a roller-coaster ride for me.

To be immortalized in a ride is a very cooI thing.

It's been a pretty fun ride, to tell you the truth.

It's been quite a ride. I loved every minute of it.

I ride a recumbent bike for half an hour every day.

I try and stay limber, swim, run, ride motorcycles.

Christ rode on an ass, but now asses ride on Christ.

Mine was an easy ride compared to Jackie Robinson's.

It's a rare and special feeling to ride a racehorse.

And I ride horses, swim, do a lot of reading, writing.

Fear is a powerful beast. But we can learn to ride it.

Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.

When you're hot, you try to ride it as long as you can.

I've got to be happy with myself when this ride is over.

I'd call my time at Bayern Munich a roller-coaster ride.

When the flowers start blooming, I like to ride my bike.

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