I saw myself as an electronic joy rider.

I wanted to be a bull rider when I grew up.

And I plan to write a sequel to Dragon Rider.

Will is to grace as the horse is to the rider.

In fact my son subscribes to Pro Bull Rider magazine.

I am in Ghost Rider but I'm not sure when it's coming out.

Right before Mag Seven I did a movie called The Bull Rider.

Every rider trains their muscles but few train their brain.

'Ghost Rider' definitely has an appeal that's far beyond comics.

I love 'Whale Rider.' That's one of my favorite films of all time.

When you're the oldest rider at the Tour de France, you really feel it.

I know I am a good rider, but sometimes I don't see myself as a big rider.

Excitement was plentiful during my two years' service as a Pony Express rider.

I'd like to see David Letterman adopt the inclusion rider on his Netflix show.

You watch 'Whale Rider,' and I defy you to not get teary-eyed at the end there.

I love dill pickles! They're on my rider for my concerts so I eat one every day.

'Easy Rider' and 'The Last Movie' were the only films that I made totally on my own.

I used to be a keen rider. Sometimes I could sense what a horse liked or preferred to do.

If you liked my 'Ghost Rider' run, you're going to love what they're doing in 'Punisher.'

The new generation doesn't know anything about me except for what they saw in' Easy Rider.'

The horse's neck is between the two reins of the bridle, which both meet in the rider's hand.

You can always tell a novice rider; they aren't comfortable in the saddle and have to hang on.

Maybe if Graziano make another work or another sport I wouldn't have had this passion to be a rider.

I've always loved War's Low Rider and Sly Stone's Thank You, and I just wanted to put my take on them.

'The Naked Civil Servant' was as important for me as 'Easy Rider' was for Jack Nicholson. No question.

I did shows for a while without a rider, actually, because nobody tells you that it comes out of your fee.

Henry Fonda's son: That's how everybody identified me until Easy Rider came along. Good old Captain America.

I'm about to challenge for the Maryland Cup in the next couple of years, as an owner, a trainer, and a rider.

Recording 'Tusk' was quite absurd. The studio contract rider for refreshments was like a telephone directory.

I saw myself as an electronic joy rider. I was like James Bond behind the computer. I was just having a blast.

With every film I've made, 'Whale Rider' included, I've had a vision that was far bigger than the budget allowed.

The holder of authority is like the rider on a lion - he is envied for his position, but he well knows his position.

'Easy Rider' was never a motorcycle movie to me. A lot of it was about politically what was going on in the country.

Growing up my heroes were American motocross riders. I didn't want to be a drummer; I wanted to be a motocross rider.

Without good horses, you are nothing. In polo, it's 70 per cent horse, 30 per cent rider. And I have the best horses.

It was one of the things that used to be on my rider when I would do my shows. I would always ask for a Klondike bar.

By the time we reached Virginia City I was considered a remarkable good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age.

When you win sprints, you're a great sprinter, but when you win a great one-day race, you've proved you're a great rider.

I always thought I was going to be a professional horse rider because I rode horses competitively from zero to 17 years old.

I'm a big tandem bike rider... I've had a tandem bike since I was 12, and I wanna be a competitive tandem bike rider one day.

To me, when I was a kid, we watched terrible network TV because it was all we had. We watched 'The A-Team' and 'Knight Rider.'

The human body is a steed that goes freest and longest under a light rider, and the lightest of all riders is a cheerful heart.

I don't like comparisons with Merckx or any other rider because we're talking about different eras, so it doesn't make any sense.

At the end of the day I want to be the first rider across that finish line and I'll just find the quickest and easiest way to do it.

I sit astride life like a bad rider on a horse. I only owe it to the horse's good nature that I am not thrown off at this very moment.

I get criticized for taking roles in films like 'Ghost Rider 2', but if you look at my resume, dude, I've mixed it up as much as I can.

Success is like a wild horse. If you do not know how to handle it, it will throw you off and look for another rider who can handle it well.

I made 'Whale Rider', I saw that to be specific and authentic is to be universal, and I've continued to work in an identical way ever since.

I have some shorter stories coming out in other books early next year. I might be pitching a re-vamp of Ghost Rider in the spring. We'll see.

For any young rider even competing in the San Remo is one of the biggest things - but to win it is beyond emotion. You can't put it into words.

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