My dad, he's the rocker.

Oh yah, I'm definitely an old rocker.

I'm a punk rocker. I don't do Christian.

Rocker dudes don't have a lot of swagger.

Lemmy Kilmeister is most certainly a rocker.

I was a hard rocker when I was in high school.

As everyone in the world can see, I am not a rocker.

I was a punk rocker. A full-bore, 1st-generation punk.

My favorite rocker is Go because it is heavy and chaotic.

You can't be a mod and a rocker. You have to choose sides.

I wanted to be a rocker and photographer and tour the world!

You wouldn't expect a Christian character to be an Indie rocker guy.

I'm saving that rocker for the day when I feel as old as I really am.

Being a rocker, to me, is equal to living as much of the truth as possible.

Whatever happened to the tomboy I used to be, the slightly rebellious rocker?

I've done bit parts on shows where I've been the fat girl or the punk rocker.

A lot of people don't perceive me as female or trans, they just see some rocker.

People think I'm crazy, and it's been written in the papers that I'm off my rocker.

Sitting in a rocker never appealed to me. Golf or fishing isn't as much fun as working.

I had this bad-boy-from-New York vibe going, dressed like a punk rocker with spiky hair.

I grew up in Southern California, so there is just a part of me that is a Hollywood rocker.

I love that ageing rocker look, dressed in black and looking like you slept in your make-up.

We got our first significant pieces of press in the 'New York Rocker' from early gigs at CBGB.

The jocks that used to stuff me into a locker when I was a punk rocker are my best buddies now.

People expect me to me a 'shock rocker,' but there's nothing you can do anymore to be shocking.

I've always been an eccentric, a rocker at heart. I can't play the guitar, but I can play the griddle.

I've always said that inside of me there is a rocker that wants to come out, but I'm a romantic rocker.

I could be 100 years old and in my rocker, but I'll still be very proud that I was part of the 'Harry Potter' films.

I've dated the sweet mama's boy, the musician rocker, the struggling artist - basically a lot of people without jobs.

I believe in God. It's a big part of my life. You can bring it up and talk about it without being 'Christian Rocker.'

I was a punk rocker when I was a teenager. I wanted to look like Nancy Spungen. I had dyed blonde hair and lots of piercings.

Not that I'm some rocker, but what I do in a show is probably far more aggressive than what Dean Martin or Bobby Darin ever did.

My husband is a former rocker and in charge of our humungous music collection, and I've recently been asking him for classical music.

I was too old to be a punk rocker. I was a mod, that's really the only youth tribe I ever belonged to - and even then, not for very long.

I go through stages. Randomly, I'll be attracted to a crazy rocker with tattoos. And I find that I'm extremely attracted to ambition and wit.

I knew when I was a kid that I had a Broadway voice. I wanted to be a rocker, because I grew up in that era of transistor radios at the beach.

Words and titles can be used as dictums and guides for all of us. A certain word can suddenly snap us back to a good place. 'Rocker' works for me.

Why can't we build orphanages next to homes for the elderly? If someone were sitting in a rocker, it wouldn't be long before a kid will be in his lap.

I'm either dressing like a rocker chick, or I'm looking like I just stepped out of ancient Greece! It all depends on my mood. I love bohemian vibes, too.

I'm thinking of remaking 'Psycho' again. Doing a third remake. The idea this time is to really change it - we're talking about doing a punk rocker setting.

I've always been a rocker. Like ever since I was really young. I had a crush on the Green Day guys. That's always been what I was like and been my interest.

People often get the wrong impression of Mick. The clever businessman is just one side of Mick. The other side is the same as the rest of us, a true rocker!

I wanted to be so many different things in the beginning - I wanted to be a rocker, I wanted to be a great songwriter, I wanted to be a great melodic singer.

I would have liked to grow up in Liverpool and become a rocker. I would have put my boots on, jeans and a leather jacket, and long hair and played the guitar.

I am always personalizing tees to fit my personality, cutting off rocker shirts, debunking the mold of what traditional 'work wear' means, and always wearing my cause.

I'm not an anarchist any more. I still love the Sex Pistols, but I don't want to be a punk rocker all the time, but I do want to carry on exploring new forms of acting.

I would enjoy sitting in a rocker... listening to soft music and contemplating the things of the universe. But such activity offers no challenge and makes no contribution.

I was in lots of dodgy bands growing up and I always fancied myself in a band. But, you know, I was rubbish at writing music. So maybe one day I'll play a rock star, or punk rocker.

I was the only punk rocker at my high school. And there were at least a handful of black kids who liked hip-hop. Both were kind of the new music of the day, and it was lonely being the only punk.

My management tells me, Don't be optimistic, because it's the young people's world now. They want to hear what they want to hear, and you're a classic rocker. I don't know if you're gonna get the play.

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