I bought a girl roses once.

I'm big into the Stone Roses.

I'm really good at growing roses.

If you really screw up, send roses.

A revolution is not a bed of roses.

Rock 'n' Roll, no roses or gardening.

Everything's coming up roses - for me.

I would play with Guns n' Roses anytime.

Truths and roses have thorns about them.

I love to smell like roses, literally all day!

The sharp thorn often produces delicate roses.

They are not long, the days of wine and roses.

I can't have white roses. They symbolize death.

My life is part humor, part roses, part thorns.

I listen to rap, reggae, Nirvana and Guns N' Roses.

And he repents in thorns that sleeps in beds of roses.

Have you seen the roses? There's a whole lot of colours.

I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.

I love bringing roses to a woman when she least expects it.

God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.

There's no gift more classic and more beautiful than roses.

I'm the type of guy who likes to be there 24-7. I'm Mr. Roses.

When I was young I used to watch MTV, Nirvana, or Guns N' Roses.

Days of wine and roses laugh and run away, like a child at play.

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.

It's never easy to lose. But life is not all sunshine and roses.

Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you.

I love Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath and Guns N' Roses and AC/DC.

Treaties are like roses and young girls. They last while they last.

Marriage is like life - it is a field of battle, not a bed of roses.

You can't have a pain-free life. It can't all be roses and unicorns.

I think Ferraris should always have roses in them, it looks amazing.

Roses are my favourite flower, and my mum always grew a lot of them.

While mantling on the maiden's cheek Young roses kindled into thought.

As for Guns N' Roses, I don't think there's ever a chance of a reunion.

I suppose I'm a healthier role model than, say, Slash of Guns N' Roses.

Treaties, you see, are like girls and roses; they last while they last.

Smell the roses. Smell the coffee. Whatever it is that makes you happy.

You must bring great resolve to your work. It's not all a bed of roses.

With me it is exceptionally true that the Presidency is no bed of roses.

Up until the War of the Roses there had been continual conflict in England.

What though youth gave love and roses, Age still leaves us friends and wine.

Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses, a box where sweets compacted lie.

He has painted many roses for me. My walls are covered with Howard originals.

Some of my favorite songs are slow songs, like Guns N' Roses' 'November Rain.'

It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses we must plant more trees.

The Roses should have made it as the biggest band since The Beatles, but we didn't.

We may pass violets looking for roses. We may pass contentment looking for victory.

All of our early hits, 'Danke Schoen' and 'Red Roses,' were produced by Bobby Darin.

I de-stress with my family, just at home pruning roses, cutting, working in the garden.

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