When you can be happy in your sadness as you are in your happiness. Then you know the key to life.

Looking for happiness is a sure way to sadness, I think. You have to take each moment as it comes.

Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.

If we are willing, the experience of grief can deepen and widen our ability to participate in life.

It's easier to believe in this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness, that brings me to my knees.

Most poets in their youth begin in adolescent sadness. I find it more rewarding to end in gladness.

By compassion we make others' misery our own, and so, by relieving them, we relieve ourselves also.

Every life, even the best ones, ends in sadness. Books hold out hope that things may end otherwise.

The sadness you feel is not your own. It's his sadness you feel in your heart, Amy, for missing you.

I rose as from the death that wipes out the sadness of life, and then dies itself in the new morrow.

I dance. A lot. I work grief and sadness out of my body when I dance, and I bring in joy and rhythm.

My philosophy is fundamentally sad, but I'm not a sad man, and I don't believe I sadden anyone else.

I’m not clear enough in the head to feel anything but varieties of dull anger and arrows of sadness.

Well, the musicals give emphasis to love, longing, melancholy, sadness. All of that is always there.

Wine refreshes the stomach, sharpens the appetite, blunts care and sadness, and conduces to slumber.

The blues he sends to meet me, won't defeat me. It won't be long til happiness steps up to greet me.

I'm trying to make sure that there's comedy as well as sadness. It makes the sadness more memorable.

Let tears flow of their own accord; their flowing is not inconsistent with inward peace and harmony.

Sometimes happiness comes, sometimes sadness, anger, jealousy - you need not make them your problems

Blue. My God! I'm so blue that if I were a dog, I'd sit on my haunches and howl and howl and howl...

Grief drives men into habits of serious reflection, sharpens the understanding, and softens the heart

Happiness is doubled when you share them together and sadness is halved when you share them together.

I do not know the meaning of my sadness; there is an old fairy tale that I cannot get out of my mind.

If teardrops were pennies and heartaches were gold, I'd have all the treasures my pockets could hold.

Sadness is a privilege. To be mopey about something, that's a privilege. I did not grow up with that.

You don't become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something.

As you stopped to say hello, oh, you wished me well, you couldn't tell that I'd been crying over you.

Sometimes a broken dream will make you sad or make you mean. Sometimes things ain't bad as they seem.

Everyone has sadness-I just get mine out in my music so that I can laugh and joke and flirt with you!

The power is detested, and miserable the life, of him who wishes to be feared rather than to be loved.

You know that sadness and rage you feel about your money? That's the way some of us feel about people.

(All the grief she had suffered over her lifetime had moulded her face into a mask of eternal sadness)

You slammed my face down on the barbecue grill, now my scars are all healing, but my heart never will.

There's a lot of nerves, a lot of excitement, a little bit of sadness leaving the chapter in Columbus.

Look deep inside, and when you locate the sadness, give it a vacation, and focus on the simple things.

The blues will be blue, and the jealousies green, but when love picks its color it demands to be seen.

The rich man can afford to be happy and wise; the poor man is wiser still, for he understands sadness.

Birds sing even when the world is filled with sadness. I don't know why people can't do the same thing.

A flood of emotions rushes into me. Pain and anger. Sadness and pity. But most surprising of all, hope.

If you're hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time.

Having no children had been a kind of choice up to the moment when, from a choice, it became a sadness.

These days I seem to think about the things I forgot to do for you and all the times I had a chance to.

The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint.

Wouldn't it be nice if our lives were like VCRs , and we could 'fast forward' through the crummy times?

From that moment our love became sad, and sadness is a disease which gives the death-blow to affection.

I won't sing if I don't feel it, so there's always so much sadness and so much sentiment behind it all.

Benvolio: What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours? Romeo: Not having that, which, having, makes them short.

Some of the most unhappy artists in the most difficult situations can create awe-inspiring works of art.

Sometimes, we don't get what we want. . . But this is a benevolent universe. And once in a while, we do.

When your world has shattered, ain't nothing else matters. It ain't over, it's only love and that's all.

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