My background is Scottish.

I still feel very Scottish.

I'm as Scottish as they come.

I worry for Scottish football.

I feel more Scottish than Norman.

I love writing Scottish dialogue.

I am Scottish. I am also British.

I'm fiercely proud to be Scottish.

I'm very proud of my Scottish blood.

The Scottish public are a great public.

The settled will of the Scottish people.

Actually, I'm the Scottish Woody Guthrie.

I love the Scottish accent; it is very sexy.

Scottish football is full of hammer throwers.

The fact is Scottish Labour has lost its way.

I do enjoy the Scottish way of playing football.

My heritage is Scottish and a lot of Irish, too.

Those English and Scottish know how to do accents.

I have a very musical family from my Scottish roots.

I've always had far too much emotion to be Scottish.

I started dancing when I was three, Scottish dancing.

If you want something Scottish, go get yourself a kilt.

My dad's Scottish, and I always used to say I was, too.

Only a Scotsman can really survive a Scottish education.

I'm Scottish, but I also feel British at that same time.

The Scottish fans are the best in the world. I love them.

My grandfather was Scottish, born in the slums of Glasgow.

Scottish Theatre's greatest success story of recent times.

Give me but one hour of Scotland, Let me see it ere I die.

Everyone still thinks I'm Scottish - that's totally wicked.

The importance of education is ingrained in Scottish history.

My theory is that all of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.

Aye, wumman, if it's truly romantic, then it must be Scottish.

The Scottish are not shy when it comes to expressing themselves.

Scottish writers are particularly successful in the crime genre.

I'm half Jewish, half Scottish. It's hard for me to buy anything.

Folk songs in general, I like. The old spooky Scottish folk songs.

My mum's maiden name was Dalglish, so I have Scottish blood in me.

Scotland is a great nation, but its horses are very uncomfortable.

Scottish nationalism has grown since we entered the European Union.

Stirling, like a huge brooch, clasps Highlands and Lowlands together.

The Scottish Labour Party and its renewal are more important than me.

I'm Scottish and I was born there and but in my heart I'm a Londoner.

I'm Scottish first, and it's odd to hear that I'm a Scottish-American.

I have always loved Scottish music - all sorts of Celtic, Gaelic music.

Scottish football doesn't suit me perfectly, how I want to play football.

I had a whole Scottish existence until we moved to London when I was four.

The Scottish Government will continue to do all it can to get people into work.

If you don't like Scottish weather, wait 30 minutes, and it is likely to change.

I haven't found anything to complain about. But being Scottish, it won't be long.

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