I read in self-defense.

I only direct in self-defense.

Your mind-set is your primary weapon

I am learning self-defense techniques.

Danger, if met head on, can be nearly halved

Lying is an elementary means of self-defense.

Self-defense is not only our right; it is our duty.

Speed is the absolute essence of any form of combat

I have a self-defense mind. I've had it all my life.

The best personal defense is an explosive counterattack.

The United States always maintains the right to self-defense.

War, except in self-defense, is a failure of moral imagination.

Your physical safety is up to you, as it really always has been.

The Black Panther party of Self-Defense is a revolutionary party.

The proper course of action, when under attack, is usually to counterattack.

I am convinced of the necessity to take an effective measure of self defense.

In silence - and in self-defense - I figured things out in my own little way.

Legitimate use of violence can only be that which is required in self-defense.

When you shoot someone who is fleeing, it's not self-defense. It's an execution.

Under any sort of attack, keep cool. And if you must shoot, shoot with precision.

In the present imperialistic milieu there can be no wars of national self-defense.

My father never raised his hand to any one of his children, except in self-defense.

Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism.

You do not have the right to take another human's life, unless it's in strict self-defense.

It is much easier and safer to scare someone into submission than to beat them into submission.

Aggressiveness carries with it an incalculable moral edge in any combat, offensive or defensive.

Therefore, if you are attacked, retaliate instantly. Be sudden. Be quick. Speed is your salvation.

Carrying a concealed weapon is a sign of self-defense, self-protection, and I think it lowers crime.

Childbirth is more admirable than conquest, more amazing than self-defense, and as courageous as either one.

Anyone who willfully and maliciously attacks another without sufficient cause jeopardize the lives of others.

In my other work as a self-defense instructor, I have taught the importance of listening to one's gut instincts.

We should enable the private sector to engage in self-defense in the cyber world like we do in the physical world.

Martial arts is self-growth. It's artistic impression. It's self-defense... it doesn't have any place in politics.

The only times an Afro-American who was assaulted got away has been when he had a gun and used it in self-defense.

My father was the first person to introduce me to self-defense and martial arts, which I've been doing all my life now.

On the very instant that we know that our assailant intends us serious physical harm, we must work just as fast as we can.

The need for self-defense naturally exists outside and inside the home, I would hold the 2nd Amendment applies outside the home.

Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.

It's a matter of will. If you know that you can keep your head, and that you must keep your head, you probably will keep your head.

We've never advocated violence; violence is inflicted upon us. But we do believe in self-defense for ourselves and for black people.

The Second Amendment does protect the right to people to possess weapons for self-defense in the home. That's what the Supreme Court said.

Given the genocidal belligerence of Iranian threats against Israel, it is hard to take issue with Israel's right to preemptive self-defense.

Let your attacker worry about his life. Don't hold back. Strike no more after he is incapable of further action, but see that he is stopped.

I strongly believe that the Second Amendment creates an individual right to possess and use guns for purposes of both hunting and self-defense.

Certain classes of weapons that are strictly military and have no useful purpose in sport, hunting, or self-defense should not be legally sold.

We have this tradition of the Second Amendment and people's rights to self-defense and a certain suspicion that the government can't be trusted.

Jiu jitsu is a great art for self-defense. But jiu jitsu alone won't get you to a world championship in the UFC or even a winning record sometimes.

The war against the Black Liberation movement by the FBI/U.S. government was most influential for me in seeing the necessity for armed self-defense.

Now how do we cultivate an aggressive response? I think the answer is indignation... Your response, if attacked, must not be fear, it must be anger.

At what point is someone precluded from availing themselves of the justification of self-defense because of their own poor judgment or bad behavior?

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